March 18, 2020

Elhuyar Aldizkaria – Haragia jatearen eta klimaren arteko erlazioa aztergai

Martxoko Elhuyar Aldizkariak atal bat eskaini dio klima aldaketa eta hausnarkarien arteko erlazioari. Atal bere honetan Agustin del Prado, BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Changeko ikertzailea, eta Pablo Manzano, Helsinkiko Unibertsitaterako ikertzailea, Elhuyar Aldizkarian elkarrizketatuak izan dira haragia jatearen eta klimaren arteko erlazioaren inguruan. Elkarrizketan zehar bi ikertzaileek haragi-kontsumoak kliman duen eragina konplexuaren inguruan eta abeltzaintza eta artzaintza estentsiboak ingurumenerako onuragarriak diren edo ez aztertu dute.
March 20, 2020

BC3 Publication: Recuperación de las interacciones entre el haya (Fagus sylvatica) y los hongos ectomicorrícicos 140 años después del fin de la actividad minera

A pesar del rápido crecimiento del uso de la restauración, esta no siempre genera una respuesta a corto plazo en los ecosistemas que garantice la recuperación de su estructura, funciones y servicios. Hasta ahora, la mayoría de los estudios que han evaluado la recuperación de ecosistemas utilizaban métricas que ignoran la complejidad necesaria para estructurar las comunidades de organismos que conforman los ecosistemas.
March 24, 2020

New research indicates that full recovery of degraded ecosystems can last for centuries

Research published in the scientific journal Ecosistemas de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre shows that temperate forests that have been conserved for more than 100 years after suffering centuries of human activity have not yet been fully recovered, a longer period than previously estimated. In the words of the authors of this study, “at first sight a forest that has many trees and other plants may seem recovered, but in addition to that, the trees, fungi and other species present must interact and this may even require centuries“.
March 25, 2020

Journal Article: Southward re‐distribution of tropical tuna fisheries activity can be explained by technological and management change

There is broad evidence of climate change causing shifts in fish distribution worldwide, but less is known about the response of fisheries to these changes. Responses to climate‐driven shifts in a fishery may be constrained by existing management or institutional arrangements and technological settings. In order to understand how fisheries are responding to ocean warming, we investigate purse seine fleets targeting tropical tunas in the east Atlantic Ocean using effort and sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) data from 1991 to 2017.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.