January 17, 2019

Publication: Half a degree and rapid socioeconomic development matter for heatwave risk

While every society can be exposed to heatwaves, some people suffer far less harm and recover more quickly than others from their occurrence. Here we project indicators of global heatwave risk associated with global warming of 1.5 and 2 °C, specified by the Paris agreement, for two future pathways of societal development representing low and high vulnerability conditions.
January 21, 2019

BC3 launches the 10th edition of the “Training Caravan – Ikertzaileak Gelan” initiative with the collaboration of the Basque Government

The Ministry of Education of the Basque Government and BC3, jointly organize the “Training Caravan – Ikertzaileak Gelan” initiative that has been active since 2010. This initiative (10th edition this year) is organized under the BC3 Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Programme Framework.The aim the Training Caravan initiative, underpinned by the Science Education thematic area of BC3´s RRI Science Education, is to provide evidence(science)-based answers to some central questions about climate change, drawing on the best current scientific understanding and at the same time, making science education and careers attractive for young people.
January 21, 2019

Entrevista con Nicolas Gonzalez, investigador de BC3, antes de su marcha al K2

Nicolás Gonzalez, investigador de BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change, afronta el reto del proyecto transdisciplinar BALELUR, que permitirá comprobar y sensibilizar sobre los efectos del cambio climático en la región del Karakorum. Gonzalez, junto con el equipo del alpinista Alex Txikon, realizará el trabajo de campo, incluyendo comunicaciones, entrevistas, mediciones geofísicas y recogida de muestras de nieve y de suelo a diferentes alturas.
January 23, 2019

Maria Jose Sanz entrevista en el programa de radio I al Cuadrado sobre el grupo de investigación JRL

María José Sanz ha sido entrevistada en el programa de radio I al cuadrado de Radio Bilbao (Cadena Ser) sobre la resistencia de antibióticos en el medio ambiente. La creación de grupo de investigación JRL (Joint Research Lab on Environmental Antibiotic Resistance), en colaboración NEIKER-Tecnalia, UPV/EHU y BC3, ha generado una nueva vía de investigación realizada en Euskadi en en este ámbito con el objetivo de asegurar su eficiencia y garantizar el máximo impacto de los resultados.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

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