October 15, 2018

The Ministry of Science, Innovation and University has awarded a network of excellence to the Red Ecosoil, led by Jorge Curiel, Ikerbasque research professor at BC3

The Ministry of Science, Innovation and University has awarded a network of excellence to the Red Ecosoil, led by Jorge Curiel, Ikerbasque research professor at BC3. The project, “Biodiversity, trophic levels and ecological interactions in the soil system and its relationship to ecosystem functioning and services” is the only project given to an ecology group.
October 15, 2018

BC3k Euskaraldian parte hartuko du

BC3k, hainbat herri, entitate eta zentroekin batera, EUSKARALDIAn parte hartuko du. Euskaraldia, euskaltzaleak aktibatzeko helburu du beren egunerokoan euskaraz bizitzeko urratsak eman ditzaten. 2018ko azaroaren 23tik abenduaren 3ra bitartean.
October 17, 2018

“Coastal cities: responding to the threat from climate change”, Dr. Anil Markandya new post at the Globaldev

Dr. Anil Markandya’s new column at the Globaldev about the coastal cities, proposes new measures of the potential damages from coastal flooding, and argues for action based on the idea of ‘acceptable risk’: the maximum amount of damage a society is willing to accept from a flood event.
October 18, 2018

BC3 ten anniversary website available!

This anniversary website explores BC3 through the years since its inception in 2008. It consists of a series of interviews with current and previous members, academic highlights and outreach activities. It sheds a light on our achievements, eventful years, successful projects and the people who have made, and who continue to make, BC3 what it is today. While we publish an activity report each year covering our scientific outcomes, this website instead hopes to celebrate our accomplishments and successes from both an academic and human perspective.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.