April 29, 2016

The past, present and future of the sea level in the Basque Country

BC3 just published a new Policy Briefing. "The past, present and future of the sea level in the Basque Country". Get the insights in the video BC3 produced.
April 26, 2016


BC3 just published a leaflet on the Urban Research carried out in the centre.Urban research at BC3 interacts with its four major research areas ((1) Low carbon, (2) Climate and Natural Environment, (3) Health and Climate and (4) Climate policy), emerging as a multidisciplinary field that explores the contribution of cities to global warming and the ecological, political, social and economic implications of climate change at the local scale.
April 18, 2016

Ponencia de Dr. Olazabal “Resiliencia ante el cambio climático y sostenibilidad urbana” en el foro Sustainable Week

La Dra. Marta Olazabal, investigadora de BC3 y experta en resilencia urbana impartirá el Miércoles 27 a las 09:00 en el Foro Sustainable Week (Bizkaia Aretoa), la charla titulada "Resiliencia ante el cambio climático y sostenibilidad urbana".
April 14, 2016

BC3 will be participating in the 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities &Towns

The 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns, the flagship conference on local sustainable development in Europe, is taking place from 27-29 April 2016 in Bilbao, Basque Country.C3 will participate actively in this Conference and has organized a Round Table Dialogue entitled “Bridging science and policy to support cities to mitigate and adapt to climate change” where participants will be able to discuss their experiences and perceptions on current strengths and weaknesses of such partnerships and opportunities for the future based on the current and future needs of cities regarding climate planning.
February 24, 2016

BC3 gained the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award

BC3 endorsed the European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C) principles in November 2013 and in April 2015 was recognized with the "HR Excellence in research" award

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Science Education and Public Awareness

Raising awareness of Climate Change at Basque Country Scale

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