November 16, 2016

María José Sanz, Scientific Director of BC3, interview at COP22

Prof. María José Sanz, directora del Centro Vasco de Cambio Climático BC3, -parte de la red internacional de centros en cambio climático INCCCETT junto al (CR)2- comentó la relevancia del rol de la ciencia en el apoyo a la toma de decisiones políticas.
November 16, 2016

Maria José Sanz, Scientific Director of BC3 Keynote Speaker at the Side Event organized by Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (FFPRI) and International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)

The Paris Agreement outlines results-based finance which is a cornerstone to the implementation of REDD+ in the tropics. Many tropical countries have developed national REDD+ strategies and are seriously considering their potential to contributing to the mitigation of climate change in the context of NDCs under the Paris Agreement.
November 16, 2016

BC3´s Official Side Event at COP22 (November 17)

United Nations Climate Change Conference COP22_CMP12 (Side Event) organized by BC3 “Sustainable development priorities of highly sensitive regions to Climate Change in Latin America: Appropriate orchestration of Adaptation and Mitigation actions”Since 2010 BC3 has been playing an active role at COPs with a variety of contributions.This year, 2016 BC3 will be contributing to different Side Events at COP22 (see full BC3 Agenda at COP22 here) and has organized its own Side Event jointly with the Government of El Salvador with the objetive of Transfering Knowledge and promoting implementation.
November 15, 2016

Heat stress effects in milk yield and milk traits at farm scale

November 15, 2016

Indicators for Assessing Habitat Values and Pressures for Protected Areas—An Integrated Habitat and Land Cover Change Approach for the Udzungwa Mountains National Park in Tanzania

Assessing the status and monitoring the trends of land cover dynamics in and around protected areas is of utmost importance for park managers and decision makers. Moreover, to support the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)’s Strategic Action Plan including the Aichi Biodiversity Targets,

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