80 results found for: unai pascual

Escaping the ‘Era of Pandemics’: Experts warn worse crises to come and offer options to reduce risk

Future pandemics will emerge more often, spread more rapidly, do more damage to the world economy and kill more people than COVID-19 unless there is a transformative change in the global approach to dealing with infectious diseases, warns a major new report on biodiversity and pandemics, convened by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

The links between Euskera and nature values

To address the growing loss of biodiversity worldwide, scientists have begun to focus on the plural values ​​of nature, believing that a better understanding of the diverse ways in which people benefit from or find meaning in nature will help to find more and better reasons and motivations to conserve it.

“La biodiversidad es como un gran tapiz que estamos agujereando”

Unai Pascual investigador de BC3 ha sido entrevistado sobre el valor de la naturaleza y la biodiversidad en la economía.

Congreso: Ética y desafío climático

La Fundación Cluster de Ética del País Vasco y la Fundación Vital organizan el III Congreso de Liderazgo Ético que lleva por nombre ‘Ética y desafío climático’. Este congreso se centrará, desde la Biología, la Ética, la Comunicación y el Derecho, en la consideración y la protección de un factor clave en la lucha contra el deterioro del medio ambiente.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

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