June 28, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Toward a theory of farmer conservation attitudes: Dual interests and willingness to take action to protect water quality”

Water quality in the Midwestern United States is threatened as a result of agricultural runoff. Based on self-reported data from a survey of farmers in Indiana, we aim to provide a better understanding of how awareness of water quality problems, farm-as-business attitudes, and stewardship attitudes are related to each other and willingness to improve water quality.
June 24, 2017

Interview to BC3 Researchers in the radio programme Más de palabras (Radio Euskadi)”¿Qué pasaría con un verano sin hielo en el océano ártico?”

June 22, 2017

Press Release (2017-06-22) “Sustainability whack-a-mole”

"Sustainability whack-a-mole"Placed-based sustainability efforts often fail to recognise the risk of turning up the environmental pressure elsewhereIn the world of arcades, the whack-a-mole is a classic. The game, in which players use a mallet to hit randomly appearing toy moles back into their holes, is an innocent reminder that fixing a problem in one place may only cause others to pop up elsewhere. But within sustainability, such problem solving come with more serious consequences. Coined environmental leakage, it refers to how interventions aimed at reducing environmental pressures at one site may be locally successful, but increase pressures elsewhere. On example is how the recovery of fish stocks in Europe has led to increased fishing pressure in West African waters. Another is how improved regulations of Chinese and European forests have led to deforestation in the tropics due to increased Chinese and European biomass imports. This not only has global environmental consequences but social ones as well, since people’s livelihoods in those distant places are often negatively impacted.An approach of “out of sight, out of mind” can mean big problems when dealing with complex social-ecological challenges and can put into question well-intended place based sustainability practices.
June 22, 2017

BC3 researcher Mikel González-Eguino in the Tele7 TV session “El Cambio Climático”

BC3 researcher Mikel González-Eguino in the Tele7 TV session "El Cambio Climático" on the 22nd of June 2017
June 21, 2017

“Forest accounting rules put EU’s climate credibility at risk” open letter signed by Maria Jose Sanz, Scientific Director of BC3, with other environmental scientists listed at the bottom of the article

"Forest mitigation should be measured using a scientifically-objective approach, not allowing countries to hide the impacts of policies that increase net emissions", writes a group of environmental scientists led by Dr Joanna I House.Dr Joanna I House is a reader in environmental science and policy at the Cabot Institute, University of Bristol, UK. She co-signed this open letter with other environmental scientists listed at the bottom of the article.

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