COP25: “The role of ruminants on climate change mitigation: the good and the bad”
Spanish PavilionThe objective of the event panel is to discuss about the role of ruminants livestock systems on delivering low-carbon pathways, taking into account the different world contexts. This panel will bring together and discuss different new scientific/technical information to enhance the societal understanding of the real challenges and opportunities that grass-fed livestock systems (ruminants) have in the face of climate change mitigation. Participants will have an opportunity to also gather new evidence that updates current GHG estimates for ruminants (based on IPCC methodologies), explores new GHG reference baselines and the link of different emissions pathways with future global warming, while disscusion on how society percives the issue of livestock contribution to climate change through the eyes of an enviroemental journalist.
The macro case for climate-related investment: some figures for Spain
Spanish PavilionPanellists
• Ana de la Cueva, Secretary of State of Economy, Ministry of Economy and Business
• Luis Martí, General Director for Economic Policy, Ministry of Economy and Business
• Mikel González, Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3)
Highlight the potential macroeconomic benefits of a vigorous investment program to prevent climate change.
Financing climate action. The responsibility of the regions and the private sector
Espacio Diálogo, Green Zone , SpainHigh level event organized by Euskadi within the Official Green Agenda +25. The event will be opened with an institutional welcome from the Minister of Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing of the Basque Government D. Iñaki Arriola and Ministry of Ecological Transition.
It is structured in 2 sessions that will be introduced by 2 previous conferences. The first from the regional perspective of climate finance and the second from the perspective of the Private Sector.-
Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Management in a Multi-Level Governance Context
Room5 , IFEMA, COP25 VenueIn the framework of the COP25, this side event will discuss the topics of climate change adaptation and disaster risk financing as a multi-level governance challenge. Organised by Regions4 Sustainable Development, in collaboration with the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII), it will highlight good practices and experiences from different levels of government. It will further reveal common challenges and provide recommendations for policymakers that could guide the development and implementation of national, regional and local adaptation plans and strategies.
Planetary Health: A Balance between the Welfare of the Planet and that of Human Beings
ISGlobal will be present at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 25), in Madrid, from December 2 to 13, and will organise the parallel event "Planetary health: A balance between the welfare of the planet and that of humans".
Missions in Horizon Europe: design and impact by and for the Spanish society. panel ministry of science, innovation
Maria Jose Sanz, Scientific Director of BC3 will participate in the presentation of the missions and working groups.
Connecting scientific knowledge to implement the PA: The value of trust in international climate research cooperation
What is in the JPI Climate pipeline to implement the Paris Agreement against the
background of the EU Green Deal?
An introduction to the JPI Climate partnership by Chair Frank McGovern and Member of
Executive Committee Antonio Navarra including flashlights on key activities:
Gathering 2 #CAÑASCOP
Café del Espejo (Paseo Recoletos, 31)Madrid hosts from December 2 to 13 the XXV Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, also known as the United Nations Annual Climate Summit, or COP25. The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) joins this celebration with several activities in different areas of the city.
How tourist islands face the challenges of climate change: clean energy, adaptation and innovation
Participation of researcher Elisa Sainz de Murieta.
Espacio Turquesa, Culminación de COP25
El "Espacio Turquesa" de la COP25 culminara su trabajo el viernes día 13 recogiendo el estado de las negociaciones y transmitiendo a los gobiernos ideas, propuestas y sensaciones de parte de la sociedad civil