October 20, 2020

BC3, Basque Center for Climate Change, “Bilbao Radio Award for Excellence in Research Category” 2020

The Bilbao Radio Awards for Excellence  has recognize in their fourth edition the good work of many personalities in the basque territory.  BC3, Basque Center for Climate Change has been one of the entities awarded with an award for Excellence by Radio Bilbao (Cadena SER), in this case for research excellence. The awards, which have been presented yesterday, 19 of October, at an event to be held at the Euskalduna Palace, has been be received by the Scientific Director of BC3, Maria José Sanz. BC3 obtains the award thanks to its multidisciplinary centre profile to investigate the causes and consequences of climate change.
October 23, 2020

La lucha contra el grave deterioro de la naturaleza requiere de objetivos múltiples y ambiciosos

Investigadores del BC3, el ICTA-UAB y la Universidad de la Laguna evalúan los criterios del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica de Naciones Unidas.
October 26, 2020

Las ciudades como motor de transición para el ‘Green Deal’

Si alguien me preguntara cuáles son los principales retos locales para una transición verde y cuál es el papel de las ciudades en el ‘Green Deal’, lo primero que me gustaría saber es a qué nos referimos con ciudades. Obviamente, no estamos hablando sólo del área física urbanizada, sino también de las ciudades como actores en la lucha contra el cambio climático y en pos de un desarrollo sostenible y justo
October 29, 2020

Escaping the ‘Era of Pandemics’: Experts warn worse crises to come and offer options to reduce risk

Future pandemics will emerge more often, spread more rapidly, do more damage to the world economy and kill more people than COVID-19 unless there is a transformative change in the global approach to dealing with infectious diseases, warns a major new report on biodiversity and pandemics, convened by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.