May 15, 2023

BC3 sponsors the Pint of Science Bilbao 2023 festival

BC3 is one of the sponsors of the Pint of Science 2023 science festival. On 22, 23 and 24 May, the festival will bring some of the hottest topics in science to the public of all ages through a programme of 24 talks held in four bars in Bilbao.
May 18, 2023

National climate pledges could limit global temperature increase below 2°C, but realisation of pledges subject to multiple challenges

A new study from a global team, including, among others, the Basque Centre for Climate Change, Imperial College London, and the National Technical University of Athens, demonstrates that aggregating together all updated short- and long-term climate pledges is compatible with the Paris goal of limiting global temperature increase well-below 2°C.
May 20, 2023

OBServ – an innovative app to calculate pollination services worldwide

Today, May 20 marks World Bee Day and, to celebrate it, the OBServ project has launched an online and easy-to-use application that predicts the availability of wild pollinators in space and time at a global scale.
May 22, 2023

Eva Alonso-Epelde: “Identificar a los colectivos vulnerables al transporte es fundamental para diseñar medidas dirigidas a mitigar la pobreza de transporte y garantizar una transición justa”

En los últimos años se ha hecho un creciente esfuerzo identificando a grupos vulnerables a la pobreza energética. Sin embargo, ni desde el ámbito académico ni desde el político se ha hecho suficiente hincapié en otra dimensión de la pobreza energética que es y será clave en los próximos años: la pobreza de transporte.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.