October 20, 2016

BC3ko ikerlaria den Elisa Sainz de Murietak gaur Ingurugelako irakasle eta eragileei hitzaldia eskeini die

Klima aldaketaren inguruko hitzaldia eman du gaur, Urriak 20, Elisa Sainz de Murieta BC3ko ikerlariak Durangoko Berritzegunean.Hitzaldi hau BC3-k eskeini du, Ingurugela-rekin elkarkidetzan antolatzen duen ekimenaren baitan.
November 9, 2016

Maria Jose Sanz, Scientific Director of BC3 moderates Green Climate Fund Dialogue on REDD+ at COP22

Green Climate Fund can play a significant role in supporting countries achieve scale by delivering adequate and predictable finance, complementing other existing sources of finance and helping catalyze public and private financial flows
November 12, 2016

Dr. Ibon Galarraga offered a lecture at the preliminary workshop to the Side-Event on the INCCCETT Initiative 4 CB (COP22)

Dr. Ibon Galarraga offered a lecture at the preliminary workshop to the Side-Event on the INCCCETT Initiative 4 CB (COP22)
November 14, 2016

Prof. Maria Jose Sanz, Scientific Director of BC3, addresses a lecture at the COP22 Side Event organized by INCCETT

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.