December 9, 2015

Dr. Ibon Galarraga (BC3) will contribute to the Side Event organized by IC4E at COP21

The Side-Event is organized under the title of "Adaptation to climate change : levers, barriers and funding at the urban level".Dr. Galarraga will offer the following speak "Revisiting the damages and the adaptation needs of major coastal cities in the world in the light of uncertainties and risks”.
December 9, 2015

Prof. Markandya addresses a lecture at COP21

Prof. Markandya #COP21 consider how to unlock more climate finance for developing countries, in particular for adaptation, and what role the Green Climate Fund can play.
December 8, 2015

Prof. Markandya (BC3) addresses a speech at COP21

This event is to be held on the 9th of December, 18:00-20:00, at Bellona-CICERO pavilion under the title of;"How to get the cash rolling? Developments in long-term climate finance since Copenhagen".
November 26, 2015

COP21: Entrevista en Radio Bilbao a investigadores BC3

Azul Tejerina, entrevista a los investigadores del centro BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change, Dr. Ibon Galarraga y Dra. Marta Olazabal ,para debatir sobre la cumbre del clima de Naciones Unidas, COP21.
November 24, 2015

Kazetari eta ikertzaileak indarrak batzen, klima aldaketaz ohartarazteko

Parisen datorren astelehenean abiatuko da klima aldaketari buruzko goi-bilera. Hitzorduak komunikabideetako lehen lerrora ekarriko du klima aldaketaren gaia, baina zein zenbaki eta modutan? Zientzialari eta hedabideen arteko harremana hartu zuten hizpide atzo basque centre for climate change-k antolatutako jardunaldian

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