January 1, 2016

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Through info.bc3research.org blog, you will have access and the opportunity to share in social media, all the BC3 related news and events
December 14, 2015

COP21: ARC3.2 Summary for City Leaders

The Urban CARC3.2 SCL Cover Pagelimate Change Research Network (UCCRN) released the Summary for City Leaders of the Second UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3.2) at the COP21 Climate Summit for Local Leaders in Paris City Hall on December 4, 2015.
December 13, 2015

“Paris Climate Agreement”, by Prof. Anil Markandya

The Climate Agreement just reached in Paris is a remarkable achievement. 195 countries, representing almost more than 95 percent of the world’s emissions have acknowledged the need to keep global temperatures "well below" 2.0C and "endeavour to limit" then even more, to 1.5C by the end of this century.
December 12, 2015

BC3 Side Event at COP21 “Regions and Climate Change: A major challenge for local communities”

Adaptation policies require a high degree of consensus and reconciliation between the different levels of governance that operate in the same region. In the design and implementation of regional strategies of adaptation, in addition to the "vertical" coordination between different levels of territorial government,...
December 12, 2015

Articulo en EFE Verde

Tribuna de Unai Pascual (Ikerbasque, Fundación Vasca para la Ciencia & Basque Centre for Climate Change, BC3) y 13 firmas más para #CDO (Creadores de Opinión Verde) en la blogosfera de @efeverde con ocasión de la COP21 de París.

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