
March 5, 2018

BC3 Journal Article: Health co-benefits from air pollution and mitigation costs of the Paris Agreement: a modelling study

Although the co-benefits from addressing problems related to both climate change and air pollution have been recognised, there is not much evidence comparing the mitigation costs and economic benefits of air pollution reduction for alternative approaches to meeting greenhouse gas targets. We analysed the extent to which health co-benefits would compensate the mitigation cost of achieving the targets of the Paris climate agreement (2°C and 1·5°C) under different scenarios in which the emissions abatement effort is shared between countries in accordance with three established equity criteria.
March 5, 2018

“Noticias de Gipuzkoa” publishes the collaboration between the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and BC3 to combat climate change

El Departamento de Medio Ambiente de la Diputación de Gipuzkoa ha mantenido un encuentro con responsables de BC3, con el objetivo de poner en común las agendas de ambos centros y estudiar vías y acuerdos de colaboración para el desarrollo e implementación de la estrategia GK2050 en Gipuzkoa.
March 5, 2018

”Noticias de Alava” publishes the participation of María José Sanz, Scientific Director of BC3, in the current IPCC report of climate change and soil.

Maria José Sanz, investigadora Ikerbasque y directora científica del BC3 - Basque Center for Climate Change, ha sido seleccionada por el Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC) como coautora (Review Editor) en el equipo que elaborará el próximo informe especial sobre Cambio climático y suelo.
February 26, 2018

BC3 lanza la 9ª edición de la iniciativa “Training Caravan – Ikertzaileak Gelan” en colaboración con el Gobierno Vasco

BC3 lanza la 9ª edición de la iniciativa “Training Caravan – Ikertzaileak Gelan”
February 20, 2018

Job Offer: General call for a roster for future upcoming positions – Health impacts of climate change and environmental risk factors

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) opens a call for a roster to fill future upcoming positions for Postdoc Fellows and Senior Scientists to conduct original research on health impacts of climate change and environmental risks, such as air pollution. (This call was closed on the 10th of March 2018).
February 20, 2018

Open positions for Marie Curie individual fellowships (MSCA-IF) beneficiaries

The BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change offers the opportunity to act as host institution for beneficiaries of Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual fellowships (MSCA-IF), in any of the five research lines (RL) or cross cutting themes (CCT) of the centre (application closed on the 22nd March 2018).
February 20, 2018

Postdoctoral researcher – Heatwave risk in Europe

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) opens a competitive call for applications for a Postdoctoral contract in the context of a project financed by the European Commission H-2020 Program - COACCH: CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs (This call was closed on the 10th of March 2018).
February 15, 2018

3rd Expert workshop on lessons learned from Accuracy Assessments in the context of REDD+: Uncertainties of emission factors and biomass maps

During 12-14th of February, the GFOI R&D Coordination component, the GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Office, and BC3 Basque Center for Climate Change organized the 3rd Expert workshop on lessons learned from Accuracy Assessments in the context of REDD+: Uncertainties of emission factors and biomass maps in Leioa.
February 8, 2018

BC3 acogió el pasado 2 de febrero a 6 estudiantes de entre 15 y 16 años dentro del marco LANALDI de la Fundación Novia Salcedo

BC3 acogió el pasado 2 de febrero a 6 estudiantes de entre 15 y 16 años para compartir una jornada laboral dentro del marco LANALDI EGUNA promovido por la Fundación Novia Salcedo. El objetivo de este programa es el de proveer de una orientación profesional innovadora al alumnado antes de la elección de sus estudios superiores, a través de actividades online, realizando varios ejercicios sobre competencias profesionales, y una experiencia práctica acompañando durante una jornada laboral un profesional en activo.
January 29, 2018

Ayudas para la realización de tesinas de master

El Low Carbon Programme (programa conjunto de investigación entre el Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) y la Universidad del País Vasco(UPV/EHU)) oferta, en el marco de un acuerdo de colaboración con la Fundación BBK, dos bolsas de ayuda de 1.500 euros para la realización de tesinas de máster sobre “Crecimiento verde en Bizkaia”.