Unai Pascual interviewed in international, national and regional media about the results of “Global Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” Assessment Report of IPBES

The last Assessment report “Global Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” of IPBES had huge impact at media, within scientific and citizenship impact. International, national and regional media interviewed Ikerbasque Profesor at BC3 Unai Pascual, one of the Lead Authors, as the only Spanish lead author. Among the different interviews conducted, the following communication media are cited.



International press


BBC Radio 4 (minute 12)

INDEPENDENT - Treat global nature declines as an emergency, scientists tell world leaders

BBC NEWS - Nature loss: Major report to highlight 'natural and human emergency'

BBC NEWS - Can nature be saved?

National press


EFE VERDE - La preservación de la biodiversidad necesita cambios en los modelos productivos, según expertos

ABC - La extinción de un millón de especies amenaza con cambiar la vida en la Tierra

COPE - Expertos coinciden en la necesidad de cambios en modelo productivo y consumo

Regional press


BERRIA - «Oraindik garaiz gaude, baina daukagun leihoa geroz eta txikiagoa da»

EGUN ON EUSKADI - 'Politika sozio-ekonomikoak errotik aldatu behar dira planeta bere onera ekartzeko'

BOULEVARD - 'La única solución es que la sociedad se movilice y cambien las políticas'

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María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.