October 17, 2018

“Coastal cities: responding to the threat from climate change”, Dr. Anil Markandya new post at the Globaldev

Dr. Anil Markandya’s new column at the Globaldev about the coastal cities, proposes new measures of the potential damages from coastal flooding, and argues for action based on the idea of ‘acceptable risk’: the maximum amount of damage a society is willing to accept from a flood event.
October 15, 2018

BC3k Euskaraldian parte hartuko du

BC3k, hainbat herri, entitate eta zentroekin batera, EUSKARALDIAn parte hartuko du. Euskaraldia, euskaltzaleak aktibatzeko helburu du beren egunerokoan euskaraz bizitzeko urratsak eman ditzaten. 2018ko azaroaren 23tik abenduaren 3ra bitartean.
October 15, 2018

The Ministry of Science, Innovation and University has awarded a network of excellence to the Red Ecosoil, led by Jorge Curiel, Ikerbasque research professor at BC3

The Ministry of Science, Innovation and University has awarded a network of excellence to the Red Ecosoil, led by Jorge Curiel, Ikerbasque research professor at BC3. The project, “Biodiversity, trophic levels and ecological interactions in the soil system and its relationship to ecosystem functioning and services” is the only project given to an ecology group.
October 10, 2018

National media makes eco about the new edition of The International Spring University, BC3 initiative

BC3 initiative The International Spring University new edition take place between 8-12 of October. Some national media has spread the news of The International Spring University is taking part this days, such as Europa press, La vanguardia and El diario. Also, the radio stations “Radio Popular” of the Basque Country interviewed the BC3 guest researcher Marta Pascual.
October 10, 2018

Elisa Sainz de Murieta, Geologian doktoratua, eta egun BC3ko ikertzailea, Unibertsitatea.net webgunean elkarrizketatua izan da. Sainz de Murietak, BC3an burutzen hari den ikerketataren inguruan aritu da, baita, klima aldaketaren orainaz eta geroaz.

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