
January 9, 2020

No se hará la transición ecológica si no tenemos el cuenta el lado social

Klima larrialdiak ez du, berez, baikortasunerako aukera handirik ematen, baina haren kontrako borrokak dakartzan aukerak ikusteko gai da Mikel Gonzalez Egino (Gasteiz, 1978). Gaiaz badaki pixka bat, besteak beste, BC3k egin duelako eragin sozioekonomikoen ebaluazioa Espainiako Klima eta Energia Plan Nazionalean.
January 9, 2020

Sí al multilateralismo, no al escepticismo

La COP25 se celebró en Madrid porque fue imposible celebrarla donde estaba previsto y fue la más larga de la historia. Y aunque muchos la evalúan como un fracaso, recordemos algunas cosas. El hecho de que en menos de un mes haya sido posible celebrarla en la capital de España, evitando mandar la señal de que este proceso multilateral tan relevante podía interrumpirse, puede considerarse un éxito en sí. La Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC) ha sido ratificada por 195 países, y cabe recordar que Estados Unidos todavía formará parte de ella incluso si sale del Acuerdo de París.
January 8, 2020

Reseach Assistant to evaluate the role of soil fungal diversity in preserving functionality in Iberian beech forests under contrasting climate change scenarios

Current climate change scenario, with continuously rising temperature and more frequent and severe drought episodes severely threatens the maintenance of forests at the rear end of their climatic distribution limit. Symbiotic associations between tree roots and ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) can contribute to maintain forest functionality by enhancing root uptake of water and nutrients. In this project, funded by the regional Basque Government, we aim to quantify the functional role of ECM in beech forests in northern Spain, where this species finds its driest distribution limit.
January 7, 2020

La décimo séptima edición de EcoFlor llega a Bilbao

Ainhoa Magrach, investigadora de BC3 y organizadora de la 17 edición de Ecoflor ( Encuentro del Grupo de Ecología Floral ), ha hablado en el programa Hágase la Luz de Radio Euskadi sobre los objetivos de este encuentro internacional que se celebrará en Bilbao entre los días 5-7 de marzo 2020. Ecoflor2020 tiene como objetivo analizar los últimos avances en el ámbito de Ecología Floral a nivel nacional e internacional con la participación de ponentes de todo el mundo.
January 2, 2020

TRANSIT field technician – Switzerland

We are looking for a field technician to record data on plant animal interactions, collect insect specimens and record plant reproductive success in Switzerland. The candidate should have a strong background in field work and plant identification. Insect identification is an asset. We are looking for an individual who can lead data collection for a 4-month period as well as store samples and organize material in the lab.
January 2, 2020

TRANSIT field technician – Doñana

We are looking for a field technician to record data on plant animal interactions, collect insect specimens and record plant reproductive success in the area of influence of Doñana National Park. The candidate should have a strong background in field work and plant identification. Insect identification is an asset. We are looking for an individual who can lead data collection for a 5-month period as well as store samples and organize material in the lab at Doñana Biological Station, Sevilla.
January 2, 2020

TRANSIT field technician – Basque Country

We are looking for a field technician to record data on plant animal interactions, collect insect specimens and record plant reproductive success in the area of Gorbea Natural Park. The candidate should have a strong background in field work and plant identification. Insect identification is an asset. We are looking for an individual who can lead data collection for a 5-month period as well as store samples and organize material in the lab at BC3 headquarters in Leioa, Bizkaia.
December 30, 2019

Nearly half of 136 coastal cities yet to implement policies to fight climate change: Study

New interview of Marta Olazabal at ThePrint about the new study on climate change policies in 136 coastal cities covering 68 countries.New Delhi: In a new study on climate change policies in 136 coastal cities covering 68 countries, a team of international researchers has found a lack of effective climate adaptation policies with no signs of implementation in nearly half the cases.
December 19, 2019

Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) Technical Officer

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) is looking for candidates who can support its strategic activities related to integrated data science and collaborative, integrated modeling on the semantic web. The selected candidates will contribute to the ARIES (ARtificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services) project powered by the k.LAB software stack, a semantic web infrastructure that uses artificial intelligence to build computational solutions to environment, policy and sustainability problems.
December 12, 2019

VIDEO: It’s time to act!

Researchers from different national research centers join their voices at COP25 to call for a climate action. María José Sanz, scientific director of BC3, has participated together with other researchers and directors to deliver the message of action.