
December 1, 2023

Congratulations to new BC3 PhD graduate Julia Neidig

Dr Julia Neidig graduated with a thesis entitled “The making of a green city ideal: Challenges and opportunities for g(l)ocal climate action” today at Univ Autónoma Barcelona (ICTA).
November 28, 2023

A successful BC3 workshop marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

As part of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, BC3 hosted a participatory workshop within the centre. The two-hour session, facilitated by a professional social educator, engaged a diverse group of researchers to discuss how to raise awareness and collectively overcome violence against women.
November 27, 2023

BC3 lanza una guía pionera para el diseño, organización y facilitación de asambleas ciudadanas climáticas

BC3 recoge en un documento de forma sencilla y accesible las acciones, metodología y otros elementos para la facilitación de asambleas ciudadanas climáticas. Con la autoría de las expertas en facilitación de procesos participativos del Grupo Cooperativo Tangente Conchi Piñeiro y Laura Lucio González y la coordinación de la directora científica de BC3 Maria José Sanz, la guía cuenta con la colaboración de asambleístas y expertos de la Asamblea Ciudadana para el Clima (ACC).
November 23, 2023

¡Los centros vascos de investigación BC3, BCAM y BCBL celebran su 15º aniversario con una feria de ciencia!

BC3 en colaboración con el centro vasco de matemática aplicada (BCAM) y el centro vasco de investigación para el estudio de la cognición, el cerebro y el lenguaje (BCBL) organizará, por primera vez, una feria de ciencia única y diferente en conmemoración de su 15º aniversario.La celebración, diseñada para sumergir a la ciudadanía en desafíos emocionantes relacionados con el cambio climático, las matemáticas y la neurociencia, tendrá lugar el 1 de diciembre en el Azkuna Zentroa (Lantegia 1 gunea) en Bilbao de 17.00 a 19.30
November 22, 2023

BC3 organizes the Think2030 Dialogue in Madrid to discuss the climate challenges of the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council

BC3, together with the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and the Elcano Royal Institute, organized the Think2030 Dialogue Spain on November 16 in Madrid, in collaboration with the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
November 22, 2023

Nuevo policy brief propone una nueva visión sobre el uso de la tierra y la PAC en la UE post-2024

En el marco de los debates sobre la Política Agrícola Común (PAC) post-2027 en la Unión Europea (UE), el Instituto de Estudios Europeos de Política (IEEP), en colaboración con varios miembros de la plataforma Think 2030, incluido BC3, presenta “Una visión para el uso de la tierra y la PAC en la UE post-2024”, una propuesta que aborda la necesidad de políticas agrícolas y de uso de la tierra que reflejen los desafíos de la sostenibilidad de forma integrada.
November 21, 2023

BC3 Researcher Neus Escobar wins Audience Award at the MSCA Conference Policy Pitch Competition

Neus Escobar, MSCA researcher at BC3, was recognized for her outstanding contribution to the Policy Pitch Competition at the MSCA Conference 2023, held in conjunction with the Spanish Presidency of the EU on 14-15 November. Out of 170 participants, Escobar was selected as one of the 15 finalists, competing with four other MSCA-IF projects in the category ‘Exposure to Policy Making’.
November 21, 2023

Research Assistant – adJUST project

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), offers full time research position in the context of the European Commission HORIZON research project AdJUST. The objectives of AdJUST are to achieve a step change in societal understanding of the distributive repercussions of the transition to climate neutrality, and to identify effective and actively-supported policy interventions to accompany climate action so that no-one is left behind.
November 20, 2023

Part-time Administrative Project Officer – GorBEEA

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) is looking for a part-time administrative assistant position to support the research activities of Research Line (RL) 3 on Terrestrial Ecosystems, and specifically work on the national project GORBEEA, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
November 20, 2023

Postdoctoral – BIOTraces

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) offers a 3-year postdoc position, starting on December 2023 as part of the research project BIOTraces - Biodiversity and Transformative Change for Plural and Nature-Positive Societies (GA: 101081923), funded by the European Commission under the call HORIZON-CL6-2022-BIODIV-01-09.