Harassment protocol

BC3 developed a prevention and action protocol against any type of sexual, gender-based harassment or harassment based on gender identity or sexual orientation

This protocol aims to protect the persons being harassed, to support the strengthening of the responses and strategies that are put in place to deal with harassment; and to prevent this type of behavior. It is also a guarantee of fair treatment and a fair hearing for those accused of harassment and a commitment to confidential proceedings.

Both the person being harassed and anyone who knows that harassment is taking place can report harassing behavior.

Don’t know if you want to activate the protocol?

  • You might ask the person harassing you to stop, making it clear that it is unwanted behavior. Should you do this in writing, keep a copy.
  • You may attempt to speak with other persons from BC3 about what is happening to you; it is possible you are not the only one suffering and you can join forces.
  • Go to the Gender Focal Point (see Section 6) and request information about the process. This consultation will be confidential and will not entail activation of the protocol unless you want it.
  • Keep a record of events: you may or may not have tried the previous suggestions, but the harassment might be still going on and you still do not know if you are going to report it. Having a written record of who harassed you, what happened, when it happened, or whether or not there were witnesses will make things easier should you decide to initiate proceedings.

Remember that you can activate the protocol at any time, it does not have to be immediately after an assault.


If you decide to seek help, you can do it through these channels:

Contact the Gender Focal Point de BC3, she will explain the regulated behaviours, the steps to follow and the consequences of the process.

Susana Pérez (susana.perez@bc3research.org)

747 416 414 | (34) 94 401 46 90 (ext.176)

Hours of Operation -> Monday to Thursday 9:00 – 17:00 | Friday 9:00 – 14:00

Contact the external specialized unit

Sortzen Consultoria SL (acosoconsulting@sortzen.org)

747 406 576 | (34) 944 057 379

Hours of Operation  -> Monday to Friday 8:00 – 17:00

If none of the above options is convenient for you, you can also leave an anonymous letter – addressed to any of the above channels – in the BC3 mailbox on the ground floor of the building at the top of the stairs.

And from here, what will happen?

At BC3, protocol management is outsourced, to be conducted by personnel who are experienced in the matter. These people will carry out a research work on what happened through:

  • Initial interviews with the person presenting the case
  • Interviews with all the parties involved
  • Interviews with the persons who may have information in such regard

After gathering all the information, they will draw up a proposal for measures to adopt in each case. This proposal for measures will be submitted to the Scientific Director and the Operations Manager, who will ultimately decide what measures or sanctions to adopt.

You can consult the full protocol HERE 

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.