May 4, 2018

Food Tank, the Think Tank for Food, entrevista al Dr. Anil Markandya sobre la evaluación de la agricultura en los sistemas alimentarios, su conexión con el medio ambiente y la salud humana

Anil Markandya, author of the new Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Agriculture and Food (TEEBAgriFood) was interviewed on how to evaluate our agriculture and food systems while considering a range of social, human, and environmental dimensions across the value chain.
May 4, 2018

Berria Egunkaria “Osasungarri eta errentagiarri”, entrevista al investigador de BC3 Jon Sampedro, sobre el efecto invernadero y el coste económico para su reducción

Jon Samperdo, BC3ko ikerlaria, berria egunkarian elkarrizketatua, The Lancet Planetary Health aldizkarian argitaratutako artikuluaren inguruan. Artikulua, BC3ko ikertzaile taldeko beste lau kideekin egina da. Elkarrizketan elkarrizketa berotegi efektua eragiten duten gasen isurketa murrizteko hartu beharreko neurriak ekonomikoki errentagarriak diren aztertu dute
May 3, 2018

BC3 Journal Article “Benefits From Water Related Ecosystem Services in Africa and Climate Change”

The present study collects original monetary estimates for water related ecosystem service benefits on the African continent from 36 valuation studies. A database of 178 monetary estimates is constructed to conduct a meta-analysis that, for the first time, digs into what factors drive water related ecosystem service values in Africa
May 3, 2018

BC3 Journal Article “Emergence of new knowledge for climate change adaptation”

Decision-making for climate change adaptation requires an integrated and cross-sectoral approach to adequately capture the complexity of interconnected systems. More meaningful decisions can be taken in an arena where different agents provide knowledge of specific domains. This paper uses a semi-quantitative method based on cognitive mapping to demonstrate how new knowledge emerges when combining knowledge from diverse agents.
April 27, 2018

“Diario Vasco” Mª José Sanz, directora científica de BC3, participa en el triálogo sobre el calentamiento global, dentro del ciclo de charlas sobre cambio climático Agora K2050

M.ª José Sanz directora científica de BC3, junto a Jesús Alquézar (experto de la Comisión Europea) y Antxon Olabe (economista), ha participado en el triálogo sobre el calentamiento global, dentro del ciclo de charlas sobre cambio climático Agora K2050, organizado entre la Fundación Cristina Enea, el Ayuntamiento de Donostia y el Museo San Telmo.

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