December 20, 2018

Five new publications related to ARtificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services (ARIES) applications have been recently published

Five new publications related to ARtificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services (ARIES) applications have been recently published on a special issue of Science of the Total Environment. These publications have been developed by BC3 researchers Ferdinando Villa, Stefano Balbi, Ainhoa Magrach, María Almagro and Javier Mártinez, in collaboration with other researchers from other institutions belonging to the AQUACROSS project
December 20, 2018

BC3 Publication: Social equity shapes zone-selection: Balancing aquatic biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services delivery in the transboundary Danube River Basin

Freshwater biodiversity is declining, despite national and international efforts to manage and protect freshwater ecosystems. Ecosystem-based management (EBM) has been proposed as an approach that could more efficiently and adaptively balance ecological and societal needs. However, this raises the question of how social and ecological objectives can be included in an integrated management plan. Here, we present a generic model-coupling framework tailored to address this question for freshwater ecosystems, using three components: biodiversity, ecosystem services (ESS), and a spatial prioritisation that aims to balance the spatial representation of biodiversity and ESS supply and demand.
December 20, 2018

Open positions for María de Maeztu predoctoral fellowships

The BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change opens a competitive call for applications for predoctoral fellows in the context of the María de Maeztu award. The fellows will contribute to the BC3 Strategic Plan (2018-2021). This Strategic Plan is aligned with six objectives and two cross cutting themes, which include a further step moving towards solutions co-designed with decision makers in the post-COP21 and Sustainable Development Goals world (transdisciplinary science).
December 17, 2018

María José Sanz habla sobre la COP24 en el periódico BERRIA

Bc3ko zuzendari zientifikoa, María José Sanz, BERRIA egunkariak elkarrizketatu du Katowicen gertatu den COP24ren eta hemen ezarritako akordioen inguruan. Sanz ikertzailea, COP honek ekarri dituen erronkak azpimarratu ditu, baita ere Pariseko akordioetatik eratorritako pentsamolde aldaketez mintzatu da. Klimari buruzko Goi-bilera honetan ikusi da, BC3ko zuzendariaren arabera, denok hartu behar ditugula aritze zein egokitze neurriak.
December 17, 2018

Nota de prensa: BC3 acompañará a Alex Txikon y su equipo en la nueva expedición al K2

BC3 participará a través del proyecto BALELUR en la expedición WinterTopAppeal del montañero Alex Txikon, en su ascensión al K2. Se quiere aprovechar el eco de la expedición para dar visibilidad al problema del calentamiento global del planeta a través del proyecto liderado por BC3 y una serie de iniciativas pioneras, como son la utilización de paneles solares y molinos eólicos que permitirán transmitir el mensaje de que también una expedición debe ser sensible a los problemas del cambio climático. Por su parte, el proyecto interdisciplinar BALELUR, permitirá comprobar y sensibilizar sobre los efectos del cambio climático en la región.

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