February 14, 2019

BC3 researchers presented ENABLE.EU at the XIV Conference of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics

BC3 researchers Elena Lopez and Alessandro Silvestri presented their papers of ENABLE.EU at the XIV Conference of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics. Alessandro Silvestri presented the paper “Contributions of car-sharing to low carbon mobility: insights from experts and user’s in-depth interviews”. The study presented the results of the in-depth interviews conducted in Spain with households and experts on carsharing services and their relationship with other transport modes. Elena López presented the paper “Energy decisions in heating consumption: results from fuzzy cognitive mapping”. The study presented the results of three focus groups conducted in Spain, with different populations – citizens, academics and energy experts – in order to test potential differences in households’ heating expenditures.
February 12, 2019

Entrevista a Unai Pascual, investigador de BC3, en el programa “Más que Palabras” de Radio Euskadi

Unai Pascual ha sido entrevistado en el programa de Radio Euskadi "Más que Palabras" el domingo pasado, 10 de febrero. El cambio climático como hilo conductor, Pascual a hablado de la situación actual del clima, la crisis climática y los fenómenos climáticos que están sucediendo en los Estados Unidos, con fríos extremos y en Australia, con el calor extremo.
February 11, 2019

PhD student: Development of economic models to support low carbon transitions

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) opens a competitive call for applications to one PhD contract to write a doctoral thesis on issues related to the development of dynamic- econometric input-output models to support low carbon transitions. The applicant will develop the thesis in the context of the LOCOMOTION project funded by the H2020 program. The overall objective of LOCOMOTION is to enhance existing Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) in order to provide policy makers and relevant stakeholders with a reliable and practical model system to assess the feasibility, effectiveness, costs and impacts of different transition pathways towards a low-carbon society. The research will be conducted at BC3 but also in collaboration with other international research institutions.
February 11, 2019

Post-Doctoral position: Development of economic models to support low carbon transitions

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) opens a competitive call for applications to one Post-Doctoral contract to contribute to the development of dynamic-econometric input-output models to support low carbon transitions in the context of the LOCOMOTION project, funded by the H2020 program. The overall objective of LOCOMOTION is to enhance existing Integrated Assessment Models in order to provide policy makers and relevant stakeholders with a reliable and practical model system to assess the feasibility, effectiveness, costs and impacts of different transition pathways towards a low-carbon society. BC3·leads a work package focused on Economic & financial system modelling. The research will be conducted at BC3 but also in collaboration with other international research institutions.
February 6, 2019

“Cambio climático: retos y oportunidades en nuestras ciudades” conferencia de Marta Olazabal en la aula de la tercera edad en Vitoria-Gasteiz

Marta Olazabal ha participado en la jornada organizada por Aular de la Tercera edad ayer, 4 de febrero de 2019 en Vitoria-Gasteiz. Olazabal dio la conferencia sobre "Cambio climático: retos y oportunidades en nuestras ciudades” cual a valorado de forma positiva.

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