April 10, 2019

Ignacio Palomo’s proposal on “Transformative change as a response to climate change in mountain social-ecological systems” has been selected for the MRI Synthesis Workshops.

Ignacio Palomo's proposal on "Transformative change as a response to climate change in mountain social-ecological systems" has been selected for the MRI Synthesis Workshops. A total of 14 workshop proposals were submitted and eligible for review, which was comprised of MRI Principal Investigators, MRI Science Leadership Council members, and the MRI Executive Director.
April 9, 2019

BC3 co-organiza dos cursos de verano de la UPV/EHU

BC3 ha tenido un rol activo en los cursos de verano de UPV/EHU desde 2019. En esta edición 2019, BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change, co-organiza dos cursos de verano; MC3-UPV/EHU Transformation, Adaptation and Mitigation for a 1.5 degree Global Warming junto a la UPV/EHU y Curso de verano en Resistencia a antibióticos en el medio ambiente: origen de un escenario apocalíptico junto a Euskampus, Neiker Tecnalia y UPV/EHU, este julio en Bizkaia.
April 5, 2019

BC3 publication: Toward a normative land systems science

Science should provide solutions for societal transformations toward sustainability in the face of global environmental change. Land system science, as a systemic science focused on complex socio-ecological interactions around land use and associated trade-offs and synergies, is well placed to contribute to this agenda.
April 5, 2019

BC3 Scientific director María José Sanz took part at the “key systems models, links and gaps and development options”workshop

BC3 Scientific director María José Sanz took part at the "key systems models, links and gaps and development options"workshop. In the context of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on 1.5°C, the JPI Climate Action Group "GHG emissions, removals and management systems" organised a workshop on 27-28 March 2019, in Brussels, with the aim to explore the state of play of key models (central to the provision of analysis of the drivers of climate change and response options to achieve policy goals as established in the Paris Agreement), including how models are linked and gaps that may exist between them.
April 3, 2019

BC3 publication: Human dependence on natural resources in rapidly urbanising South African regions

Enhancing the governance of social-ecological systems for more equitable and sustainable development is hindered by inadequate knowledge about how different social groups and communities rely on natural resources. We used openly accessible national survey data to develop a metric of overall dependence on natural resources. These data contain information about households' sources of water, energy, building materials and food.

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