June 3, 2021

New project focuses on management, modelling and monitoring for European forest soils

Soils are increasingly recognised to have an important role, both for human wellbeing and for the global climate. There are clear benefits for people and the planet in the sustainable transformation of land management to practices that reduce soil degradation, mitigate erosion, and maintain or restore soil organic carbon, nutrients, and soil water. From maintaining biodiversity to providing ecosystem services, good forest management practices start in the soil.
June 3, 2021

ARIES for SEEA Explorer: The first AI tool for rapid natural capital accounting event

ARIES in collaboration with UN DESA and UNEP recently launched an easy-to-use application for SEEA Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA). This ground-breaking tool enables ecosystem account production anywhere on Earth, making it easier for countries to measure the contributions of nature to their economic prosperity and wellbeing.
June 10, 2021

Se presenta el Informe del Workshop de Cambio Climático y Diversidad Biológica co-patrocinado por IPBES-IPCC

Hoy 10 de junio, se ha presentado en un acto público que emitido en  Youtube, el informe del workshop "Cambio Climático y Diversidad Biológica", entre IPBES y científicos seleccionados del IPCC.En este workshop expertos globales debatieron sobre cómo abordar conjuntamente la biodiversidad, las crisis climáticas y sus impactos sociales.
June 15, 2021

Matrícula abierta: Green Deal: ¿punto de inflexión frente a la crisis climática?

Organizado en el marco de los Cursos de Verano de UIK, este curso de BC3 pretende abrir, de la mano de reconocidos expertos, un espacio de reflexión y debate, para analizar la potente agenda de reformas de carácter verde del Green Deal que a raíz de la crisis del coronavirus se pretende desarrollar en muchos países y regiones de todo mundo

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

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