October 17, 2018

“Coastal cities: responding to the threat from climate change”, Dr. Anil Markandya new post at the Globaldev

Dr. Anil Markandya’s new column at the Globaldev about the coastal cities, proposes new measures of the potential damages from coastal flooding, and argues for action based on the idea of ‘acceptable risk’: the maximum amount of damage a society is willing to accept from a flood event.
October 23, 2018

“Will Land-Use Mitigation Contribute as Expected to Achievement of Paris Agreement Goals?” Mª José Sanz new paper at the Expert Perspective

BC3 scientific director María José Sanz’s post a new paper at Expert perspective of the Word Resources Institute’s website. She analyses the Land-Use Mitigation contribution to Paris Agreement Goals Achievement.
November 2, 2018

Unai Pascual, BC3 Ikerbasqueko ikertzailea, Ahoz Aho saioan plastikoak itsasoan dituen eraginen inguruan aritu da

Ahoz aho saioan BC3ko ikertzaile den Unai Pascual izan da. Pascual, Izaskun Zoria Aztiko ikertzailearekin batera, plastikoak itsasoan eregiten ari den arazoei buruz aritu da, Ilaski Serranoren gidapean dituen
November 5, 2018

“La lógica económica tiene que cambiar, no solo por el cambio climático, también es un problema de recursos” eldiario.es entrevista a María José Sanz

María José Sanz, directora científica de BC3 del País Vasco habla sobre el cambio climático y el último informe del Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático en una entrevista realizada por Clara Roca para eldiario.es

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.