Economic, environmental and social effects of globalisation
EU Exports to the world: effects on employment and income. Edition 2018
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The JRC provides scientific evidence-based policy support to DG Trade by analysing the number of jobs supported by extra-EU exports (by industry, skills, gender and age) and their corresponding embodied value added.To fully understand how trade flows affect employment and income, gathering comprehensive, reliable and comparable information is crucial to support evidence-based policymaking. Guided by this objective, the JRC and DG TRADE have continued their longstanding collaboration to produce a third study in two volumes:
EU exports to the world: Effects on income. Edition 2018, both aiming to be a valuable tool for trade policymakers.
The report features a series of indicators to illustrate in detail the relationship between trade and employment for the EU as a whole and for each EU Member State using the new World Input-Output Database (WIOD), 2016 release, as the main data source. This information has been complemented with data on employment by age, skill and gender from other sources such as EUKLEMS. All the indicators relate to the EU exports to the rest of the world so as to reflect the scope of EU trade policymaking.
BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change researchers, Iñaki Arto and Ignacio Cazcarro are co-authors of the publication name “EU Export to the world: Effects on employment and income. Edition 2018“, with José M. Rueda-Cantuche, Antonio F. Amores, M. Victoria Román and Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimetrova from the European Commission and Erik Dietzenbacher from University of Groningen.