Workshop: “Developing ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change – why, what and how”

This workshop of the ENCA network, where Dr. Elena Ojea participated as a speaker, aimed to develop a collection of case studies on adaptation practices for biodiversity and ecosystem functions which also have multiple benefits for other sectors. The objective of this collection of case studies was to identify a clear, rational message that can be fed into the international arena, including UNFCCC COP15 in Copenhagen, and demonstrate the benefits that can be gained from ecosystem-based adaptation and, where appropriate, mitigation.

EAERE 2009

17th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.

Prof. Anil Markandya presented a paper, was part of a panel discussion and was co-author of 3 other papers that were presented.

Dr. Aline Chiabai participated with the paper "Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services: Methodology and Values".

Dr. Elena Ojea gave the speech "Mapping of Forest Biodiversity Values: A Plural Perspective".

Dr. Julia Martin-Ortega participated in the Water Pre-Conference with the European Association of Environment and Resource Economics with the paper "Modelling water security choices in the face of water scarcity in Southern Europe and test for transferability".

Economic valuation of forest ecosystem services: methodology and values

The Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, in association with Conservation International, DEFRA, Department of Land Economy of Cambridge University, Department of Economics of University of Ca' Foscari Venice, and European Investment Bank, organized the Eleventh International BIOECON Conference on "Economic Instruments to Enhance the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity". The Conference was held at the Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli, in Venice, Italy, on September 21st-22nd, 2009.

The Conference was targeted at researchers, environmental professionals, international organisations and policy makers who were interested in working in the management and conservation of biodiversity. The Conference was focused on identifying the most effective and efficient instruments for biodiversity conservation, such as auctions of biodiversity conservation contracts, payment-for-services contracts, taxes, tradable permits, voluntary mechanisms and straightforward command and control. Special emphasis were given to policy reforms aimed at increasing the commercial rewards for conserving biodiversity, increasing the penalties for biodiversity loss and circulating information on the biodiversity performance requirements of firms.

Cafe Cientifico: Biodiversidad, que es y por qué conservarla

Cafe Científico
"Biodiversidad, que es y por qué conservarla"

Dra. Elena Ojea

En esta tertulia los investigadores hablarán sobre qué es la biodiversidad como concepto y cuáles son sus componentes; desde las grandes especies y ecosistemas como elefantes y desiertos, a comunidades casi desconocidas pero imprescindibles para la vida como las bacterias intestinales.

Trataremos los motivos que históricamente se han argüido para su conservación y puesta en valor, y como estos han ido cambiando con el tiempo y descubriremos por qué el mantenimiento de una sociedad como la nuestra depende directa e indirectamente de la biodiverisdad y qué efecto tendría perder una u otra especie aparentemente insignificante.