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Knowledge Transfer. BC3 initiatives

May 3, 2017

BC3 Journal Articles “Unexpected weak seasonal climate in the western Mediterranean region during MIS 31, a high-insolation forced interglacial”

New BC3 Journal Article published:Oliveira, D.,Sánchez Goñi, M.F.,Naughton,F.,Polanco-Martínez,J.M.,Jimenez-Espejo,F., Grimalt,F., Martrat, B., Voelker, A.H.L., Trigo, R.,Hodell, D.,Abrantes, F.,Desprat,S. 2017. Unexpected weak seasonal climate in the western Mediterranean region during MIS 31, a high-insolation forced interglacial. Quaternary Science Reviews. 161. 1-17
May 3, 2017

BC3 Journal Articles “Has renewable energy induced competitive behavior in the Spanish electricity market?”

New BC3 Journal Article published: Ciarreta, A., Espinosa, M.P, Pizarro-Irizar, C. 2017. Has renewable energy induced competitive behavior in the Spanish electricity market?. Energy Policy. 104. 171–182
April 25, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Dancing With Storks: The Role of Power Relations in Payments for Ecosystem Services”

The institutional change induced by payments for ecosystem services (PES) schemes is a ‘messy’ process. The uptake and outcomes of PES schemes cannot be fully explained from a rational choice perspective. The notion of ‘institutional bricolage’ is needed to analyse how actors assemble or reshape their actions by combining new institutions such as a PES scheme within other locally embedded institutions.
April 10, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Evaluation of the health impact of an urban regeneration policy: Neighbourhood”

Background Neighbourhood Renewal (NR) was launched in Northern Ireland (NI) in 2003 to revive the social, economic and physical fabric of 36 deprived communities, characterised by a legacy of sectarian conflict. This study evaluates the impact of the policy on health over a decade. Methods A merged panel of secondary data from the British Household Panel Survey (2001–2008) and Understanding Society (2009–2012) yields longitudinal information on respondents for 12 years.
March 31, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Assessing vulnerabilities and limits in the transition to renewable energies: land requirements under 100% solar energy scenarios”

The transition to renewable energies will intensify the global competition for land. Nevertheless, most analyses to date have concluded that land will not pose significant constraints on this transition. Here, we estimate the land-use requirements to supply all currently consumed electricity and final energy with domestic solar energy for 40 countries.
March 27, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “The climatic dependencies of urban ecosystem services from green roofs: Threshold effects and non-linearity”

This paper proposes a methodology for quantifying benefits and costs of extensive green roofs as an urban strategy for adaptation to climate change. It seeks to highlight the consequences of threshold effects in the delivery of the benefits and non-linearity with respect to green roof coverage.
March 25, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “The importance of regret minimization in the choice for renewable energy programmes: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment”

This study provides a methodologically rigorous attempt to disentangle the impact of various factors – unobserved heterogeneity, information and environmental attitudes – on the inclination of individuals to exhibit either a utility maximization or a regret minimization behaviour in a discrete choice experiment for renewable energy programmes described by four attributes: greenhouse gas emissions, power outages, employment in the energy sector, and electricity bill.
March 15, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “The Determinants of Brownfields Redevelopment in England”

This paper uses discrete choice models, supported by GIS data, to analyse the National Land Use Database, a register of more than 21,000 English brownfields—previously used sites with or without contamination that are currently unused or underused. Using spatial discrete choice models, including the first application of a spatial probit latent class model with class-specific neighbourhood effects, we find evidence of large local differences in the determinants of brownfields redevelopment in England and that the reuse decisions of adjacent sites affect the reuse of a site.
March 10, 2017

BC3 Journal Articles “La COP22 de Marrakech confirma el compromiso mundial con la lucha contra el cambio climático”

New BC3 Journal Article published: "Roman De Lara, M.V., Sanz Sanchez, M.J. y Galarraga Gallastegui, I. 2017. La COP22 de Marrakech confirma el compromiso mundial con la lucha contra el cambio climático. Dyna. 92. (2) 133-135"
March 7, 2017

Valuing nature’s contributions to people: the IPBES approach

A new paper published in the journal Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, and led by Unai Pascual (Ikerbasque Research Professor at BC3) and member of the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) synthesizes the vision by IPBES about the values of nature’s contributions to people (NCP) for a good quality of life.