March 2, 2020

NEW BC3 publication in Nature Communications journal “Towards a more effective climate policy on international trade”

The attribution of the responsibility for the emissions for CO2 between producers and consumers is a controversial issue in NEW BC3 publication in Nature Communications journal “Towards a more effective climate policy on international trade” climate change policy and research. Two main accounting methods are used in the literature to determine countries’ contribution to global emissions. The production-based accounting (PBA) measures the amount of CO2 released to the atmosphere by the industries and households of a country. The consumption-based accounting (CBA) attributes emissions to the country’s consumption of final products. CBA redistributes the emissions from PBA and considers that emissions in another country are necessary for the home country’s consumption. These two accounting frameworks are used to assign responsibility for current CO2 emissions. Producer responsibility addresses the countries that directly generate the emissions. Consumer responsibility addresses the countries that ultimately drive the pressure.
February 25, 2020

Agustín del Prado habla sobre las fuentes de metano en el programa de radio “La Mecánica de Caracol”

Agustín del Prado, investigador de BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change, ha sido entrevistado en el programa de radio de EITB - Radio Euskadi, La Mecánica de Caracol. En el programa presentado por Eva Caballero del Prado analiza el estudio de hielo depositado en la Antártida desde la época preindustrial que ha revelado que el metano entre los objetivos prioritarios en el contexto de crisis climática. El metano es uno de los más potentes gases de efecto invernadero y hasta ahora, según revela un estudio, se han infravalorado las emisiones generadas a partir de la extracción y uso de combustibles fósiles. Para el investigador, "toda la reducción de emisiones de metano, si no viene acompañado de una drástica reducción de CO2, solo ganamos tiempo,  si esta reducción no viene acompañado con medidas que reducen el CO2 de gases fósiles".
February 24, 2020

Java Backend Developer

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) is looking for candidates who can support its strategic activities related to integrated data science and collaborative, integrated modeling on the semantic web. The selected candidates will contribute to the ARIES (ARtificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services) project powered by the k.LAB software stack, a semantic web infrastructure that uses artificial intelligence to build computational solutions to environment, policy and sustainability problems. The candidate will contribute to the design and implementation of the modeling engine, which assembles network-available model components and data and compiles the assembled graph into a runnable dataflow.
February 18, 2020

Jornada sobre alternativas de financiación de las energías renovables y sus impactos

(Bilbao, 18 de febrero de 2020) El centro de excelencia en investigación BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change, organiza una jornada de reflexión sobre la financiación de las renovables, bajo el título “Impacto Económico, Social y Ambiental de Mecanismos Alternativos de Financiación de las Energías Renovables en el Sector Eléctrico en España”. El encuentro tendrá lugar el 19 de febrero en el Paraninfo de la UPV/EHU (Bizkaia Aretoa), a partir de las 09:30.
February 17, 2020

VIDEO – Integrated Modelling Partnership: Introducing AI computational solutions to sustainability problems for non-technical audiences

This infographic video has been produced by BC3- Basque Centre for Climate Change to graphically illustrate an introduction TO k.LAB and Integrated Modelling for non-technical audiences. We present the Philosophy embracing the FAIR principles and the Technology behind a cutting edge modelling environment for Knowledge Integration. K.LAB is a web accessible software that uses the meaning of information, its semantics, to integrate knowledge through Artificial Intelligence and builds computational solutions to environmental, policy and sustainability problems. Through this modelling environment, researchers can contribute knowledge from their discipline and seamlessly connect it to the knowledge generated by others through the use of shared semantics. The result is a powerful tool where users can enter their queries and k.LAB is able to select the most appropriate knowledge available building for the first time new knowledge from the integration of the existing one.

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