April 10, 2019

Ignacio Palomo’s proposal on “Transformative change as a response to climate change in mountain social-ecological systems” has been selected for the MRI Synthesis Workshops.

Ignacio Palomo's proposal on "Transformative change as a response to climate change in mountain social-ecological systems" has been selected for the MRI Synthesis Workshops. A total of 14 workshop proposals were submitted and eligible for review, which was comprised of MRI Principal Investigators, MRI Science Leadership Council members, and the MRI Executive Director.
April 9, 2019

BC3 co-organize two Summer Schools

BC3 has an active roll at UPV/EHU courses since July 2009. In this edition of summer course of the University of the Basque Country, BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change, co-organize two Summer Schools, BC3-UPV/EHU Summer School on Transformation, Adaptation and Mitigation for a 1.5 degree Global Warming, with UPV/EHU and Summer School on Environment Resistance to Antibiotics; the beginning of an apocalyptic scenario with Euskampus, Neiker Tecnalia and UPV/EHU, this July in Biscay.
April 5, 2019

BC3 Scientific director María José Sanz took part at the “key systems models, links and gaps and development options”workshop

BC3 Scientific director María José Sanz took part at the "key systems models, links and gaps and development options"workshop. In the context of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on 1.5°C, the JPI Climate Action Group "GHG emissions, removals and management systems" organised a workshop on 27-28 March 2019, in Brussels, with the aim to explore the state of play of key models (central to the provision of analysis of the drivers of climate change and response options to achieve policy goals as established in the Paris Agreement), including how models are linked and gaps that may exist between them.
March 21, 2019

Mikel Gonzalez ha sido entrevistado en BI FM junto a Ana Urrutia, presentadora de Eguraldia

A raíz de la conferencia internacional sobre el cambio climático Change the Change celebrada en San Sebastián a principios del mes de marzo de 2019 Mikel Gonzalez Eguino, investigador de BC3 y coordinador de la linea Low Carbon ha sido entrevistado por el medio digital BI FM junto a Ana Urrutia, presentadora de Eguraldia de EITB. Durante la entrevista Urrutia y Gonzalez-Eguino han recalcado que el cambio climático es un hecho y que hay que conseguir concienciar a las personas.
March 20, 2019

BC3 toma parte en la conferencia internacional Change the Change

Dentro de la "Semana del Cambio Climático" de Euskadi se ha celebrado la Conferencia Internacional de Cambio Climático 2019 “Change the Change” en San Sebastián, con el objetivo de movilizar a la ciudadanía hacia el compromiso personal frente al cambio climático. Organizada por el Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Planificación Territorial y Vivienda del Gobierno Vasco, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa y Ayuntamiento de Donostia/San Sebastián, y donde BC3 a apoyado el congreso como coordinador científico, se han tratado los retos del cambio climático y se han dado a conocer las iniciativas y las acciones que se están generando para luchar contra ello.
March 13, 2019

Researcher Unai Pascual interviewed at Egun on Euskadi (Basque TV)

Unai Pascual, BC3ko Ikerbasque ikertzailea, Egun On Euskadi saioan izan da. Iban Garatek zuzendutako saioan Basque Centre for Climate Change-ko ikertzaileak klima aldaketaz aritu da eta honek gizarteari eta hauen bizimoduari ekarriko dizkion ondorio eta arazoei buruz.
March 12, 2019

Elisa Sainz de Murieta eta Unai Pascual Ahoz Aho saioan izan dira klima aldaketak Euskal Herriko kostaldean izango dituen eraginen inguruan mintzatzen

Klima aldaketak kostaldeetan eragina izango duela jakina da, baina Euskal Herriko kostaldean zer nolako eragina izango duen oraindik ikusteke dago. Horren arira, Elisa Sainz de Murieta eta Unai Pascual ETB1eko Ahoz Aho saion izan dira Euskal Herriko kostaldean agerikoak diren klima aldaketaren sintomaz mintzatzen.
March 11, 2019

BC3 toma parte en la semana sobre el cambio climático

Del 1 al 10 de marzo de 2019 se celebra la primera semana de Euskadi sobre el cambio climático ASTEKLIMA donde BC3 ha contribuido con dos jornadas donde hemos analizado las consecuencias del cambio climático en la salud y el uso del Big Data como herramienta contra el cambio climático.
February 15, 2019

BC3ko ikerlari den Amaia Albizuari Elhuyar aldizkarian elkarrizketa Itoitz – Nafarroako Kanalaren ureztatze-sistemaren inguruan

Amaia Albizua, BC3ko ikertzailea, Elhuyar aldizkarian elkarrizketatua izan da Itoitz-Nafarroako Kanalaren ureztatze-sistemaren inguruan. Albizuak, "Farmers’ vulnerability to global change in Navarre, Spain: large-scale irrigation as maladaptation", BC3ko Ikerbasque ikertzaile den Unai Pascual eta ICTAko Esteve Corbera ikertzaileekin eginiko elkarlanean, ureztatze sistema zaurgarriagoa dela ondorioztatu zuten.
February 14, 2019

BC3 researchers presented ENABLE.EU at the XIV Conference of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics

BC3 researchers Elena Lopez and Alessandro Silvestri presented their papers of ENABLE.EU at the XIV Conference of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics. Alessandro Silvestri presented the paper “Contributions of car-sharing to low carbon mobility: insights from experts and user’s in-depth interviews”. The study presented the results of the in-depth interviews conducted in Spain with households and experts on carsharing services and their relationship with other transport modes. Elena López presented the paper “Energy decisions in heating consumption: results from fuzzy cognitive mapping”. The study presented the results of three focus groups conducted in Spain, with different populations – citizens, academics and energy experts – in order to test potential differences in households’ heating expenditures.