
May 17, 2021

A new publication on One Earth has found evidence that Nature-based Solutions can contribute to transformative change towards sustainable trajectories

The global environmental crisis calls for transformative approaches to sustainability. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have great resonance in science and practice, but their ability to bring about transformative change has not been assessed. A new publication in One Earth provides evidence that NbS can contribute to transformative change towards sustainable trajectories.
May 11, 2021

T20 Forum on Climate Change

María José Sanz, BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change Scientific Director, participate at the round table about “The future of food under climate change and uncertainty ” of the T20 Forum on Climate Change organized by ISPI (Italian Istitute for International Political Studies)
May 10, 2021

María José Sanz participa en la jornada “¿Tenemos en Europa la vacuna frente al totalitarismo? organizado por la Diputación de Gipuzkoa

María José Sanz, directora científica del BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change ha participado en la jornada ¿Tenemos en Europa la vacuna frente al totalitarismo? celebrado en el espacio Etorkizuna Eraikiz Gunea, organizada con motivo del Día de Europa por la Diputación de Gipuzkoa donde ha hablado sobre el impacto del cambio climático está suponiendo a nuestra sociedad.
May 6, 2021

Registration for the online course on artificial intelligence for sustainability is now open!

Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), in collaboration with the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) are organizing the “AI for the Wellbeing and Sustainability of Societies” course.The learning program, which will be held virtually on 9-11 June, 2021, will be part of a series of summer courses offered by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
April 28, 2021

Launch event: The ARIES for SEEA Explorer

The Statistics Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the UN Environment Program (UNEP), in collaboration with the international research and innovation platform Artificial Intelligence for Environment & Sustainability (ARIES) at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), are launching a pioneering Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered application for rapid natural capital accounting: the ARIES for SEEA Explorer.
April 12, 2021

María José Sanz participa en el simposio “Wake up Spain!”

María José Sanz, directora científica del Basque Centre Centre for Climate Change (BC3) e investigadora Ikerbasque, participa en la mesa redonda de la segunda jornada (13 de abril) en el simposio “Wake up, Spain!” organizado por EL ESPAÑOL, Invertia y D+I donde analizará “La industria 5.0” junto a Iñigo Losada, director científico en el Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental IHCantabria y David Samu, socio de Estrategia de EY.
March 23, 2021

Jornada de presentación del Observatorio de la Transición Energética y la Acción Climática (OTEA) y del Informe OTEA 2020

El Observatorio de la Transición Energética y la Acción Climática (OTEA) es una iniciativa de BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change que nace con la vocación de aportar datos y análisis robustos y rigurosos para el seguimiento de la descarbonización en España y de sus implicaciones económicas, sociales y ambientales. Para ello, OTEA pone a disposición de la sociedad un conjunto de información fiable, actualizada y de fácil acceso.
February 12, 2021

11F – Women and girls in Climate Change Science

On 11 February BC3 organized a special event to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science “Women and girls in Climate Change Science”. This event has the aim to show high school students the possibility of a career in climate change research is a professional option in the Basque Country and a reality for women.
February 5, 2021

BC3 collaborates in the new updated report on the impacts of Climate Change in Spain

The BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change has collaborated on the updated report on the impacts of Climate Change in Spain. The study has been coordinated by the Spanish Climate Change Office in Spain, under the Ministry for Ecological Transition. It is part of the European Life Shara programme to raise awareness of climate change adaptation. A group of 17 scientists, led by BC3 scientific director María José Sanz, have identified the 35 specific risks for Spain that must be addressed urgently
February 3, 2021

The potential land requirements and related land use change emissions of solar energy

In the current global energy transition where the world´s energy needs are increasingly met by renewable energy instead of fossil energy, the role of solar energy is rapidly growing. Due to the abundance of sunlight reaching the Earth, the theoretical potential of solar energy is enormous, and the costs of technologies that convert solar energy into power have been decreasing 5 to 10-fold in the past decade.