In the Media

November 5, 2018

The newspaper interviewed BC3 scientific director María José Sanz about the results of IPCC last report

María José Sanz, directora científica de BC3 del País Vasco habla sobre el cambio climático y el último informe del Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático en una entrevista realizada por Clara Roca para
November 2, 2018

Unai Pascual, BC3 Ikerbasqueko ikertzailea, Ahoz Aho saioan plastikoak itsasoan dituen eraginen inguruan aritu da

Ahoz aho saioan BC3ko ikertzaile den Unai Pascual izan da. Pascual, Izaskun Zoria Aztiko ikertzailearekin batera, plastikoak itsasoan eregiten ari den arazoei buruz aritu da, Ilaski Serranoren gidapean dituen
October 23, 2018

“Will Land-Use Mitigation Contribute as Expected to Achievement of Paris Agreement Goals?” Mª José Sanz new paper at the Expert Perspective

BC3 scientific director María José Sanz’s post a new paper at Expert perspective of the Word Resources Institute’s website. She analyses the Land-Use Mitigation contribution to Paris Agreement Goals Achievement.
October 17, 2018

“Coastal cities: responding to the threat from climate change”, Dr. Anil Markandya new post at the Globaldev

Dr. Anil Markandya’s new column at the Globaldev about the coastal cities, proposes new measures of the potential damages from coastal flooding, and argues for action based on the idea of ‘acceptable risk’: the maximum amount of damage a society is willing to accept from a flood event.
October 10, 2018

National media makes eco about the new edition of The International Spring University, BC3 initiative

BC3 initiative The International Spring University new edition take place between 8-12 of October. Some national media has spread the news of The International Spring University is taking part this days, such as Europa press, La vanguardia and El diario. Also, the radio stations “Radio Popular” of the Basque Country interviewed the BC3 guest researcher Marta Pascual.
October 10, 2018

BC3 researcher Elisa Sainz de Murieta interviewed by the, about the climate change and her current project

Elisa Sainz de Murieta, Geologian doktoratua, eta egun BC3ko ikertzailea, webgunean elkarrizketatua izan da. Sainz de Murietak, BC3an burutzen hari den ikerketataren inguruan aritu da, baita, klima aldaketaren orainaz eta geroaz.
September 12, 2018

BC3 researcher Unai Pascual interviewed at ETB (Basque TV) Ahoz Aho program

Unai Pascual, BC3ko iketzailea eta Ikerbasqueko irakaslea, Ahoz Aho saion izan da. Saioan zehar hainbat gai ezberdin jorratu ditu Ilaski Serranorekin. Horien artean, abuztu honetan jaso duen naturaren baloreen ebaluaziorako IPBES taldeko kopresidente izandapena.
September 11, 2018

“Orduan bai, asmatu nuela sentitu nuen”, Ainhoa Magrach, BC3ko ikertzailea, Elhuyar aldizkarian elkarrizketatu dute

Ainhoa Magrach, BC3ko ikertzailea, Elhuyar aldizkari zientifikoak elkarrizketatu du bere lanaren inguruan. Elkarrizkean zehar, Magrachek ikerketa munduan izan dituen nondik norakoak azaldu ditu.
September 10, 2018

BC3 researcher Marta Olazabal interviewed on “La Galería” radio show of Radio Euskadi about her project with AXA Research fund

La investigadora de BC3 Marta Olazabal ha sido entrevista en el programa “La Galería” de Radio Euskadi. A lo largo de la entrevista Olazabal ha hablado sobre su proyecto de investigación con AXA Research Fund.
September 10, 2018

BC3 researcher Unai Pascual interviewed by Basque radio stations Euskadi Irratia and Radio Euskadi about the research due to be conducted by the IPBES

El profesor de Ikerbasque en BC3 Unai Pasual es entrevistado en Radio Euskadi y Euskadi Irratia a raíz de su nombramiento como líder del estudio en el IPBES, un organismo intergubernamental dependiente de Naciones Unidas.