We contribute to a greater and better knowledge of the causes and consequences of climate change. We connect scientific knowledge and participation, training and awareness of society

Knowledge Transfer. BC3 initiatives



March 20, 2019

BC3 toma parte en la conferencia internacional Change the Change

Dentro de la "Semana del Cambio Climático" de Euskadi se ha celebrado la Conferencia Internacional de Cambio Climático 2019 “Change the Change” en San Sebastián, con el objetivo de movilizar a la ciudadanía hacia el compromiso personal frente al cambio climático. Organizada por el Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Planificación Territorial y Vivienda del Gobierno Vasco, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa y Ayuntamiento de Donostia/San Sebastián, y donde BC3 a apoyado el congreso como coordinador científico, se han tratado los retos del cambio climático y se han dado a conocer las iniciativas y las acciones que se están generando para luchar contra ello.
February 6, 2019

“Cambio climático: retos y oportunidades en nuestras ciudades” conferencia de Marta Olazabal en la aula de la tercera edad en Vitoria-Gasteiz

Marta Olazabal ha participado en la jornada organizada por Aular de la Tercera edad ayer, 4 de febrero de 2019 en Vitoria-Gasteiz. Olazabal dio la conferencia sobre "Cambio climático: retos y oportunidades en nuestras ciudades” cual a valorado de forma positiva.
January 21, 2019

BC3 launches the 10th edition of the “Training Caravan – Ikertzaileak Gelan” initiative with the collaboration of the Basque Government

The Ministry of Education of the Basque Government and BC3, jointly organize the “Training Caravan – Ikertzaileak Gelan” initiative that has been active since 2010. This initiative (10th edition this year) is organized under the BC3 Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Programme Framework.The aim the Training Caravan initiative, underpinned by the Science Education thematic area of BC3´s RRI Science Education, is to provide evidence(science)-based answers to some central questions about climate change, drawing on the best current scientific understanding and at the same time, making science education and careers attractive for young people.
March 22, 2018

BC3 selects the centre that are going to take part in the 9th edition of “Training Caravan-Ikertzaileak Gelan”

BC3 selects the 10 centre that are going to take part in “Training Caravan-Ikertzaileak Gelan”. This edition is going to count on 10 informative lectures during April and May of 2018 in the selected centres.
February 26, 2018

BC3 launches the 9th edition of the “Training Caravan – Ikertzaileak Gelan” initiative with the collaboration of the Basque Government

BC3 launches the 9th edition of the “Training Caravan – Ikertzaileak Gelan” initiative
February 8, 2018

Last 2nd of February, BC3 hosted 15/16 years old 6 students under the framework of Novia Salcedo’s LANALDI program

Last 2nd of February, BC3 hosted 15/16 years old 6 students under the framework of Novia Salcedo’s LANALDI program sharing a working day with them. The goal of this program is to assess in an innovative way young students before choosing their high level education program. Novia Salcedo helps them providing online tools to develop professional skills and also giving them the opportunity to share a full working day with an active professional.
October 20, 2016

BC3ko ikerlaria den Elisa Sainz de Murietak gaur Ingurugelako irakasle eta eragileei hitzaldia eskeini die

Klima aldaketaren inguruko hitzaldia eman du gaur, Urriak 20, Elisa Sainz de Murieta BC3ko ikerlariak Durangoko Berritzegunean.Hitzaldi hau BC3-k eskeini du, Ingurugela-rekin elkarkidetzan antolatzen duen ekimenaren baitan.
April 18, 2016

Ponencia de Dr. Olazabal “Resiliencia ante el cambio climático y sostenibilidad urbana” en el foro Sustainable Week

La Dra. Marta Olazabal, investigadora de BC3 y experta en resilencia urbana impartirá el Miércoles 27 a las 09:00 en el Foro Sustainable Week (Bizkaia Aretoa), la charla titulada "Resiliencia ante el cambio climático y sostenibilidad urbana".
January 1, 2016

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