10 urria, 2019

BC3 Seminar: European forest ecosystem dynamics mapped from space

Increasing mortality has been reported for many forests across Europe, but exact rates and trends remain poorly quantified. We tackle this lack of knowledge by using satellite data for quantifying and mapping rates and trends in forest mortality across Europe.
12 apirila, 2021

Postdoctoral position for conducting a meta-analyses to understand the role of soil biodiversity in forest resilience

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), is looking for a post-doctoral researcher interested in the intersection between soil ecology, forest management, and land surface modeling. The overarching objective of the position is to understand the role of soil biodiversity in the resilience of the soil system and in the stability of forest systems. The position will be based at the Department of Terrestrial Ecology and is available for a fixed-term period of 24 months starting on June 1st 2021.
19 apirila, 2021

Euskararen eta naturaren balioen arteko loturak

Mundu mailan azkartzen ari den bioaniztasun galerari aurre egiteko, zientzalariak naturaren balio anitzak ikertzen ari dira, naturak pertsonei egiten dizkien ekarpen anitzak hobeto ulertzeak naturaren zaintzarako motibo gehiago emango dituelakoan. Hala ere, nazioarteko ikerketetan ez da orain arte hizkuntzen garrantzia kontutan hartu naturarekiko balioak aztertzerakoan.
3 ekaina, 2021

Postdoctoral position for studying the role of soil biodiversity in the resilience of European forest to natural disturbances

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), is looking for a post-doctoral researcher interested in the intersection between soil ecology, soil biogeochemistry, forest management and climate change. The overarching objective of the position is to understand the role of soil biodiversity in the resilience of the soil system to natural disturbances (e.g. drought, pests, wind or fire).

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

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