23 martxoa, 2023

BC3 launches its ecomeetings – a space to discuss ecology

BC3 restarts its ecomeetings, an initiative that was paused during the pandemic and that will be coordinated by Ikerbasque researchers at BC3 Ainhoa Magrach and Daniel Montoya. Ecomeetings are monthly meetings where ecologists and other researchers related to the subject can meet to talk about the latest advances in the discipline.
22 martxoa, 2023


Al igual que en los últimos años, el Observatorio de la Transición Energética y la Acción Climática (OTEA), una iniciativa de BC3, lanza el Informe Anual OTEA. En este documento se recoge la evolución de distintos indicadores relacionados con el clima y la energía del año pasado, así como sus implicaciones en la economía y la sociedad.
20 martxoa, 2023

Field and laboratory research assistant on plant ecophysiology (PHLISCO Project)

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), offers a 6-month full-time research assistant position.Plant water-use efficiency (WUE) is the ratio of biomass gained, per unit of water lost. This parameter intimately describes the link between the carbon and the water cycles at the global scales. Thus, precise estimates of WUE are crucial to predict vegetation-climatic feedbacks in a global change scenario.
9 martxoa, 2023

BC3 Former Director Anil Markandya ranked #12 in Spain among Best Scientists for 2023

Anil Markandya, Ikerbasque distinguished professor and BC3 former director, has been ranked #12 in Spain among Best Scientists for 2023 of Research.com in the discipline of Economics and Finance.
9 martxoa, 2023

Hirien klima-aldaketarako plangintzetan hobetzen ari gara, baina kolektibo zaurgarrienak babesik gabe daude oraindik

Europako 300 hiri baino gehiago aztertu dituen ikerketa baten arabera, tokiko erakunde gehienek ez dituzte behar adina kontuan hartzen kolektibo zaurgarrienen beharrak klima-aldaketari buruzko plangintzetan.

Hurrengo jardunaldiak

Harpidetu gure posta zerrendan

Pribatutasun politika onartzen dut


Klima aldaketari dagokion informazio zehatza dibulgatzeko eta zabaltzeko ikasia

Heziketa zientifikoa eta gizartean kontzientzia

Klima aldaketaren zientzia irakaskuntza eta gizartean kontzientzia sortzea Euskadin

BC3 iniziatibak Kanpo erakundeekin kolaborazioan