21 azaroa, 2016

BC3 Models and tools: DERIO (Dynamic Econometric input-output Model for the Basque Country)

Un equipo de investigadores del Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) liderado por Iñaki Arto en colaboración con el profesor Kurt Kratena (Centre of Economic Scenario Analysis and Research, CESAR, y Austrian Institute of Economic Research, WIFO) ha desarrollado un modelo económico-energético-ambiental para el País Vasco orientado el análisis de escenarios y políticas en distintos ámbitos de decisión, denominado modelo DERIO (modelo Dinámico Econométrico Regional Input-Output del País Vasco).
19 azaroa, 2016

Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action

The Marrakech call is loud and clear: nothing can stop global climate action. The momentum for the adoption of the Paris Agreement was enabled by Parties and non-Parties stakeholders taking action to address climate change and undertaking to progressively enhance the ambition of this action. Almost all Parties communicated INDCs, and coalitions of thousands of cities, regions, companies and investors from across the world announced voluntary commitments to support the implementation of the ambitious climate action.
17 azaroa, 2016

BC3ko Zientzia Batzordeko kidea den Teresa Riberak “El Pais” hedabidean publikatutako eritzi artikulua

16 azaroa, 2016

TRANSrisk Project: First Year Progress

BC3 is one of the partners of this Research Projects that seeks to create a novel assessment framework for analysing costs and benefits of transition pathways, where uncertainty is at the heart of policy design rather than accounted for through sensitivity analysis at the end of the analysis.
16 azaroa, 2016

Mari Jose Sanz, BC3ren Zientzia Zuzendariarekin elkarrizketa COP22 an (Gazteleraz)

Prof. María José Sanz, directora del Centro Vasco de Cambio Climático BC3, -parte de la red internacional de centros en cambio climático INCCCETT junto al (CR)2- comentó la relevancia del rol de la ciencia en el apoyo a la toma de decisiones políticas.

Hurrengo jardunaldiak

Ez dago datorren ekitaldiak-rik.

Harpidetu gure posta zerrendan

Pribatutasun politika onartzen dut


Klima aldaketari dagokion informazio zehatza dibulgatzeko eta zabaltzeko ikasia

Heziketa zientifikoa eta gizartean kontzientzia

Klima aldaketaren zientzia irakaskuntza eta gizartean kontzientzia sortzea Euskadin

BC3 iniziatibak Kanpo erakundeekin kolaborazioan