3 maiatza, 2017

BC3 Journal Articles “The efficiency cost of protective measures in climate policy”

New BC3 Journal Article published: "Böhringer C., Garcia-Muros X., Cazcarro I., Arto I. 2017. The efficiency cost of protective measures in climate policy. Energy Policy. 104. 446-454"
3 maiatza, 2017

BC3 Journal Articles “Feeding the Household, Growing the Business, or Just Showing Off? Farmers’ Motivations for Crop Diversity Choices in Papua New Guineal”

New BC3 Journal Article published: "Nordhagen, S. Pascual, U., Drucker, A. . 2017. Feeding the Household, Growing the Business, or Just Showing Off? Farmers' Motivations for Crop Diversity Choices in Papua New Guinea. Ecological Economics. 137. 99-109."
3 maiatza, 2017

BC3 Journal Articles “Unexpected weak seasonal climate in the western Mediterranean region during MIS 31, a high-insolation forced interglacial”

New BC3 Journal Article published:Oliveira, D.,Sánchez Goñi, M.F.,Naughton,F.,Polanco-Martínez,J.M.,Jimenez-Espejo,F., Grimalt,F., Martrat, B., Voelker, A.H.L., Trigo, R.,Hodell, D.,Abrantes, F.,Desprat,S. 2017. Unexpected weak seasonal climate in the western Mediterranean region during MIS 31, a high-insolation forced interglacial. Quaternary Science Reviews. 161. 1-17
3 maiatza, 2017

BC3 Journal Articles “Has renewable energy induced competitive behavior in the Spanish electricity market?”

New BC3 Journal Article published: Ciarreta, A., Espinosa, M.P, Pizarro-Irizar, C. 2017. Has renewable energy induced competitive behavior in the Spanish electricity market?. Energy Policy. 104. 171–182
25 apirila, 2017

BC3 Journal Article “Dancing With Storks: The Role of Power Relations in Payments for Ecosystem Services”

The institutional change induced by payments for ecosystem services (PES) schemes is a ‘messy’ process. The uptake and outcomes of PES schemes cannot be fully explained from a rational choice perspective. The notion of ‘institutional bricolage’ is needed to analyse how actors assemble or reshape their actions by combining new institutions such as a PES scheme within other locally embedded institutions.

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