
15 martxoa, 2022

#ARIES15years: An overview of k.LAB’s main concepts and components

Over the past fifteen years, ARIES has contributed to building a global digital commons for environmental sustainability, through both its semantic web platform and its annual intensive modelling school for scientists and policy analysts, the International Spring University (ISU) on Ecosystem Services Modelling.
14 martxoa, 2022

Marta Olazabal eta Elisa Sainz de Murieta ikertzaileek klima-aldaketaren inpaktuei, egokitzapenari eta kalteberatasunari buruzko IPCCren txosten berriari lagundu diote

The latest report of Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has analyzed the impacts, adaptation and vulnerability of the climate crisis to ecosystems, infrastructure and human populations, where they have concluded that “Climate change is a threat to the human well-being and health of the planet.
10 martxoa, 2022

Russia’s war in Ukraine: Why doubling down on the Green Deal is the best strategy

As EU leaders meet in Versaille, energy is set to be a key topic. But leaders must ensure that the decisions they make to break away from Russian energy push the EU in the direction of sustainability, argue European sustainability think tanks.
7 martxoa, 2022

Europar Batasunean karbono-emisioen bidez mugan doitzeko mekanismo bat ezartzeko printzipioak

Frantziako Gobernuak, ekainean Kontseilu Europarraren lehendakaritzaren amaierarako karbono-emisioen bidezko mugan doitzeko mekanismoa (CBAM) ezartzeari dagokionez adostasun zabala lortzeari lehentasuna emanez, merkataritza berdeko aditu-talde batek zenbait printzipio biltzen dituen testu bat idatzi du, Europar Batasunean KARBONO-MUGA EZARTZEKO PRINTZIPIOAK eztabaidarako gida izan nahi duena.
24 urtarrila, 2022

#ARIES15years: Celebrating 15 years of AI for environmental sustainability

Since 2007, ARIES has been building the first ‘Wikipedia-like’ open-source platform for interoperable data and models, through AI. Our mission is to integrate citizens and scientists’ multidisciplinary knowledge and achieve a more sustainable and resilient future for all.
5 urtarrila, 2022

Mikel González – Eguino 2021ko Enpleguaren IV. Kongresuan parte hartu du

BC3ko iketzaile de (Basque Centre for Climate Change) Mikel González-Eguinok 2030erako Enpleguaren Euskal Estrategiaren ikuspegitik, Enpleguaren IV. Kongresuan parte hartu du, Eusko Jaurlaritzak antolatua.
4 azaroa, 2021

BC3ko ikertzaileek fiskalitate berde eta justuaren alde egin dute Diputatuen Kongresuan

Mikel González-Eguinok, Cristina Mongek eta Xaquín García-Murosek, BC3ko ikertzaileek, 2021eko urriaren 28an "Fiscalidad verde y transición justo: un análisis de impacto social de medidas compensación para el caso del diesel en España" aurkeztu dute Diputatuen Kongresuan. Ikerketaren helburua da dieselaren gaineko hobarien balizko murrizketa baten inpaktu sozialak aztertzea, baita konpentsazio jakin batzuek izan ditzaketen ondorio kaltegarriak nola zuzen ditzaketen ere.
4 azaroa, 2021

BC3ko ikertzaileek adostasun eta lankidetza handiagoa eskatu dute krisi klimatikoa garaiz bideratzeko

Mikel González-Eguino ikertzaileak parte hartzen duen Berreskurapen Iraunkorraren aldeko Manifestua sustatu duen taldeak enpresen, sindikatuen, gizarte-erakundeen, unibertsitateen, GKEen, administrazioen eta alderdi politikoen munduko pertsonek sinatutako manifestu bat aurkeztu du Senatuan, non krisi klimatikoaren aurkako borrokan aurrera egiteko Berreskuratze Planaren garapenean adostasun handiagoa eskatzen duten.
25 ekaina, 2021

Aries Project one of the top 5 most promising AI projects based in Spain

Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services (ARIES) has been mane as one of the top 5 most promising Artificial Intelligence projects based in Spain by the “AI and Spain’s climate change and decarbonisation agenda” report published by Digital Future Society.
26 otsaila, 2021

BC3 research Ester Galende participa at Energy Futures – Emerging Pathways in an Uncertain World! Online conference

Ester Galende, BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change researcher participate at Energy Futures – Emerging Pathways in an Uncertain World! Online conference that took place on 22 of February. Researcher Galende The researcher presented the article that has been working with Ikerbasque Fellow Reseacher Alevgul Sorman where participatory climate and energy initiatives are analyzed.