- ekitaldia hau amaitu da.
Missions in Horizon Europe: design and impact by and for the Spanish society. panel ministry of science, innovation
12 abendua, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Ekitaldi nabigazioa
Missions in Horizon Europe: design and impact by and for the Spanish society. panel ministry of science, innovation*
December 12, 2019
IFEMA – Green Area
* Registration Required
Maria Jose Sanz, Scientific Director of BC3 will participate in the presentation of the missions and working groups.
10:00 Institutional welcome
Mariya Gabriel Comisaria-designada de Innovación y Juventud (tbc)
Teresa Ribera Ministra de Transición Ecológica (tbc)
Pedro Duque Ministro de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (tbc)
10:15 Missions under Horizon Europe
Manuel Aleixo Jefe de Unidad para Misiones y Asociaciones, Comisión Europea Unidad A4 (tbc)
Rafael Rodrigo Sec.Gnal. Coordinación de Política Científica, MCIU
11:15 Coffe break
11:45 Presentation of the Missions
Intervention of a 20 minutes of a member mission board + member subgroup Strategic missions. Debate with interested agents and citizenship.
- Adaptation to climate change, including social transformation
- Climate neutral and intelligent cities
- Soil health and food
- Oceans, seas, coastal waters and healthy interiors
- Cancer