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BC3-UPV/EHU Seminars:”Groundwater Management in a Food Security Context”, Prof. Jean-Christophe Pereau, May 25

25 maiatza, 2017 @ 12:00 am - 1:00 pm

BC3-UPV/EHU Seminars:
“Groundwater Management in a Food Security Context”
Prof. Jean-Christophe Pereau

University of Bordeaux


This article analyzes the sustainability of market-based instruments such as tradable permits for the management of a renewable aquifer used for irrigated agriculture. In our dynamic hydro-economic model, a water agency aims at satisfying a food security constraint within a tradable permit scheme in the presence of myopic heterogeneous agents.
We identify analytically the viability kernel that defines the states of the resource yielding inter-temporal feasible paths able to satisfy the set of constraints over time and the associated set of viable quota policies. We then illustrate the theoretical results of the paper with numerical simulations based on the Western La Mancha aquifer.

Prof. Jean-Christophe Pereau
Professor in Economics (University of Bordeaux)


Sede Building (Room Kurkudi), Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country (Leioa)  May 25, 12:00

In case you are interested in attending the seminar, please complete the following registration form.

Registration form




25 maiatza, 2017
12:00 am - 1:00 pm
Ekitaldi kategoria:


BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change
Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country
+34 944 014 690
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