AGORA K2050 hitzaldia: Crisis climática. ¿Y ahora qué?

Museo San Telmo Museoa Donostia - San Sebastian

Las advertencias provenientes de la comunidad científica sobre los riesgos sanitarios que el modelo socioeconómico global conlleva se han materializado en una pandemia global que ha asolado el Planeta. Una crisis sanitaria de dimensiones impredecibles.


Online event

Uhinak, Klima aldaketa eta Itsasertzari buruzko mugazgaindiko Kongresuaren IV. edizioa 2020ko azaroaren 4 eta 5ean ospatuko da.Kongresu hau Ficoba Fundazioak eta Aztik antolatzen dute


International Platform on Adaptation Metrics (IPAM)

The formulation of standardized climate adaptation metrics is one of the great trans-disciplinary challenges of our time. Join the International Platform on Adaptation Metrics (IPAM) for its Membership Opening on November 5: IPAM Webinar

Webinar – Sistema Elektrikoaren Iraunkortasunerako Funts Nazionalaren azterketa sakonarako


El Consejo de Ministros aprobó el 15 de diciembre el anteproyecto de Ley por el que se crea el Fondo Nacional para la Sostenibilidad del Sistema Eléctrico (FNSSE) con el objetivo de evitar subidas en el precio de la electricidad, dar señales claras para la electrificación de la economía y aportar la certidumbre y sostenibilidad al sector eléctrico.

Closing the Financing Gap: Investing in Natural Capital to Achieve the SDGs

On 6 July (3-4pm CEST), join the GGKP for the webinar, Closing the Financing Gap: Investing in Natural Capital to Achieve the SDGs.

This webinar will launch a new report detailing the global investment gap in nature of over $750 billion per year for achieving related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.


Datorren asteazkenean, apirilaren 27an, IPCCk klima aldaketari buruz 6. Ebaluazio Zikloaren (6AR) baitan argitaratu berri dituen txostenen inguruko jardunaldia egingo da Zientzia eta Teknologia Fakultateko (ZTF-FCT) Paraninfoan, bereziki horretarako prestaturiko NONDIK GATOZ, NON GAUDE ETA NORA JOAN NAHI DUGU? Jardunaldian.

Webinar “Compensación de emisiones de gases efecto invernadero”

BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change Sede Building 1, 1st floor, Scientific Park of the University of the Basque Country,Leioa,Bizkaia,Spain

Webinatzearen helburua da berotegi-efektuko gasen emisioak konpentsatzeko Europako eta Euskadiko esparrua identifikatzea, enpresek erabil ditzaketen konpentsazio-mekanismoak identifikatzea eta alderdi horri aurre egiteko moduari buruzko benetako enpresa-esperientziak ezagutzea. Jardunaldian zehar. Rocío Dañino, Senior Project Manager en Global Factor, enpresentzako CO2 konpentsazio mekanismoei buruz mintzatuko da.

Southern Voices on Research Geographies a workshop for transition-related Social Sciences & Humanities in Southern Europe

The EU has sought to stimulate research collaborations for decades to enhance synergies among European research communities and to support its own policy goals. However, disparities remain in terms of overall participation, roles within cooperative research and financial contributions received, particularly between the Western/Northern parts of Europe and Southern, Central and Eastern European countries. These differences can be seen in the Framework Programme as a whole, but are also visible across the transition-related thematic areas of climate, energy and mobility.

Citizen´s Assemblies, a new wave of citizen´s engagement in Europe

Climate change is often seen as a super wicked problem. Citizen participation can help to increase support for and legitimacy of policy decisions, and in this context citizens’ assemblies can be a very appropriate tool to address highly complex problems such as climate change.

Think2030 Dialogue Spain

The Think2030 Dialogue – Spain will gather decision-makers and analysts from policy, business and research across Spain and Europe to debate the key sustainability issues at stake for EU policy moving towards the crucial political year for the EU in 2024.