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1 ekitaldia,
BC3ko uda ikastaroa: Krisi klimatikoa Europako mugimendu populista autoritarioen gorakadaren aurrean
BC3ko uda ikastaroa: Krisi klimatikoa Europako mugimendu populista autoritarioen gorakadaren aurrean
Authoritarian populist movements are emerging in the global context (e.g. in the US, Russia, India, Brazil, Argentina), and Europe (e.g. in Holland, Finland, France, Hungary). This phenomenon shares several characteristics at an international level, partly derived from the current phase of exhaustion of a globalized economic model, which in turn entails a concatenation of cyclical and structural crises (“poly-crises”) that generate high levels of insecurity and uncertainty in society. At the same time, the rise of populist movements is revealing the weaknesses of the political model of representative democracy.
0 ekitaldiak,
1 ekitaldia,
The Environment, the silent partner of the one health triad
The Environment, the silent partner of the one health triad
The One Health approach is a global public health strategy that emphasises collaboration and communication across human, animal, and environmental health domains to achieve optimal well-being. Originating in response to zoonotic outbreaks like SARS and Ebola (and later COVID), it is integral to various global commitments such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.