15 maiatza, 2017

BC3 co-chairs a session on Adaptation Tracking at the “3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference”, Glasgow 2017

Researchers from BC3, McGill University and Wageningen University organize a parallel session in the main reference forum on climate change adaptation at European scale, the "European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2017" that is to held in Glasgow from the 5th to the 9th of June. This parallel session will focus on the challenges of measuring the progress on adaptation at multiple levels.
16 maiatza, 2017

BC3ko ikerlaria den, Marta Olazabalek, maiatzak 17an Donostian ospatzen den “Lurralde Antolamenduaren Gidalerroak (LAG) berrikusteko jardunaldiak” ekitaldian hitzaldia eskeiniko du.

BC3ko ikerlaria den, Marta Olazabalek, maiatzak 17an Donostian ospatzen den “Lurralde Antolamenduaren Gidalerroak (LAG) berrikusteko jardunaldiak” ekitaldian hitzaldia eskeiniko du. Jardunaldi hauek, Lurralde Antolamenduaren Gidalerroak (LAG) berrikusteko prozesuaren baitan antolatzen dira.Maiatzak 17an, "LAGAK ETA ZU: KLIMA ALDAKETAREN KONTRA MUGITUKO GARA?" saioan, hiriarekin,lurraldearekin eta aurre egin nahi zaien erronkekin lotutako alderdiei buruzko aurkezpen bat egingo dute hizlari jakin batzu,lurralde historiko bakoitzeko eragile sozialei eta erakundeei aurkezteko.
26 maiatza, 2017

La Directora Cientifica de BC3, Prof. Maria José Sanz moderó la sesión trabajo “El sector agrícola, ganadero, forestal y de la alimentación de la Jornada “España, juntos por el clima” (25 de mayo).

28 iraila, 2017

Research by BC3 researchers, Iñaki Arto and Anil Markandya, mentioned in Juncker’s State of the Union address of 13 Sep 2017 “Every additional €1 billion in exports supports 14,000 extra jobs in Europe”

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, in his State of the Union of 13 September 2017, has referred for the second consecutive year to the report “EU Exports to the World: Effects on Employment and Income” authored by BC3 researchers, Dr. Iñaki Arto and Prof. Anil Markandya.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.