9 uztaila, 2021

Sampedro Appointed to WHO Technical Advisory Group

Jon Sampedro, a postdoctoral fellow and PhD in environmental economics, has been appointed as an “individual expert for the Global Air Pollution and Health – Technical Advisory Group (GAPH-TAG).” The Department of Environment, Climate Change, and Health of the World Health Organization (WHO) convened this advisory group.
9 abuztua, 2021

Presentation of new report of IPCC – Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying

Today, 9 August, a new report by IPCC “AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis” has been presented. The Working Group I report is the first installment of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), which will be completed in 2022.
23 iraila, 2021

BC3k AsteKlimaren edizio berrian parte hartuko du

BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change ikekerta zentruak AsteKlima, Klimaren eta Energiaren Astea, ekimenaren bigarren edizioan parte hartuko du irailaren 24tik urriaren 3ra bitartean
14 urria, 2021

BC3 Klimaren aldeko Herritarren Batzarraren Panel Koordinatzaileko kide da

Trantsizio Ekologikorako eta Erronka Demografikorako Ministerioak (MITECO) Klimarako Herritarren Batzarra (ACC) hasteko ministro-agindua onartu du. ACCk galdera honi erantzuna ematen saiatuko da: “Espainia seguruagoa eta bidezkoagoa klima-aldaketaren aurrean” Nola egingo dugu? “.

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.