Transferencia de conocimiento
septiembre 11, 2019
Published by BC3Research Ferdinando Villa at septiembre 11, 2019
New blog post on upcoming collaboration wit the IDB to connect ecosystem services to economic (CGE) models and make underlying data and models FAIR. Under the title "Developing Tools for Valuing Natural Capital’s Contribution to Economic Well-Being: OPEN IEEM" Ferdinando Villa, BC3 Ikerbasque researcher, Onil Banerjee from Natural Resource Economist with the IDB, Kenneth J Bagstad from Research Economist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver and Martin Cicowiez from researcher at the Center for Distributive, Labor and Social Studies explains the advancements on linking the IEEM platform with Ecosystem Services Values and to the contribution to economic well-being.
junio 11, 2019
Published by BC3Research at junio 11, 2019
The materials presented in this product seek to provide information on the Katowice Climate Package, agreed during the Katowice Climate Conference held in 2018. Specifically, it contains information on the decisions related to the modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework for action and support to facilitate understanding of the Parties’ communication and reporting obligations under the Paris Agreement, as well as the process to track progress implementation of NDC commitments. This material seeks to serve as a resource for developing countries for the update, review and communication of NDCs, as well as for the reporting and accounting of their NDC commitments.
abril 15, 2019
Published by BC3Research Elisa Sainz de Murieta Ibon Galarraga at abril 15, 2019
BC3 co-organiza el workshop "El Cambio Climático en las empresas y la industria" junto a UPV/EHU y Funts Project el próximo 6 de mayo en la Escuela de Ingeniería de Gipuzkoa (Escuela de Eibar). Este evento tiene como objetivo ayudar a las empresas y a la industria a aclarar las dudas sobre el cambio climático, a entender el nuevo marco en el que se van a mover las empresas y establecer un hoja de ruta que permita a las empresa dar los primeros pasos hacia un nuevo modelo de organización responsable con su entorno y con el planeta.
abril 15, 2019
Published by BC3Research Maria Jose Sanz at abril 15, 2019
BC3 Scientific Director, María José Sanz, participate as co-chair, at the GFOI Plenary 2019 held in Maputo, Mozambique, from 8-11 April 2019. The objective of the The Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) is an informal partnership to coordinate international support to developing countries on forest monitoring and MRV procedures for REDD+ and related activities. Through collaborative action, GFOI aims to provide a larger and more targeted package of support than any one partner can provide alone.
abril 5, 2019
Published by BC3Research at abril 5, 2019
BC3 Scientific director María José Sanz took part at the "key systems models, links and gaps and development options"workshop. In the context of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on 1.5°C, the JPI Climate Action Group "GHG emissions, removals and management systems" organised a workshop on 27-28 March 2019, in Brussels, with the aim to explore the state of play of key models (central to the provision of analysis of the drivers of climate change and response options to achieve policy goals as established in the Paris Agreement), including how models are linked and gaps that may exist between them.
marzo 20, 2019
Published by BC3Research Maria Jose Sanz Mikel González-Eguino at marzo 20, 2019
Dentro de la "Semana del Cambio Climático" de Euskadi se ha celebrado la Conferencia Internacional de Cambio Climático 2019 “Change the Change” en San Sebastián, con el objetivo de movilizar a la ciudadanía hacia el compromiso personal frente al cambio climático. Organizada por el Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Planificación Territorial y Vivienda del Gobierno Vasco, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa y Ayuntamiento de Donostia/San Sebastián, y donde BC3 a apoyado el congreso como coordinador científico, se han tratado los retos del cambio climático y se han dado a conocer las iniciativas y las acciones que se están generando para luchar contra ello.
marzo 18, 2019
Published by BC3Research Iñaki Arto at marzo 18, 2019
The project Deltas, vulnerability and Climate Change; Migration as an Adaptation (DECCMA), has release a new policy brief "Climate change and the economic future of deltas in Africa and Asia". The objective of it is to explore the economics implications of climate change for the three deltas of the DECCMA project and to summarise the finds for the Business as Usual scenario, without climate change, with climate change, and with climate change and adaptation.
febrero 6, 2019
Published by BC3Research Marta Olazabal at febrero 6, 2019
Marta Olazabal ha participado en la jornada organizada por Aular de la Tercera edad ayer, 4 de febrero de 2019 en Vitoria-Gasteiz. Olazabal dio la conferencia sobre "Cambio climático: retos y oportunidades en nuestras ciudades” cual a valorado de forma positiva.
enero 21, 2019
Published by BC3Research Nicolas Gonzalez at enero 21, 2019
Nicolás Gonzalez, investigador de BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change, afronta el reto del proyecto transdisciplinar BALELUR, que permitirá comprobar y sensibilizar sobre los efectos del cambio climático en la región del Karakorum. Gonzalez, junto con el equipo del alpinista Alex Txikon, realizará el trabajo de campo, incluyendo comunicaciones, entrevistas, mediciones geofísicas y recogida de muestras de nieve y de suelo a diferentes alturas.
enero 21, 2019
Published by BC3Research at enero 21, 2019
El Departamento de Educación del Gobierno Vasco y el centro de investigación BC3, organizan de forma conjunta la iniciativa “Training Caravan – Ikertzaileak Gelan”, activa desde el año 2010. Esta iniciativa (que cumple su 10ª edición este año) se organiza en el marco del Programa de Ciencia Responsable e Innovación (RRI por sus siglas en inglés) de BC3.The aim the Training Caravan initiative, underpinned by the Science Education thematic area of BC3´s RRI Science Education, is to provide evidence(science)-based answers to some central questions about climate change, drawing on the best current scientific understanding and at the same time, making science education and careers attractive for young people.