April 8, 2019

BC3-EHU/UPV Summer School 2019: Transformation, Adaptation and Mitigation for a 1.5 degree Global Warming

This year we run the 10th edition of the BC3-UPV/EHU Summer School on Climate Change that started in July 2010, when the international community was in the search of a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol, following a non-binding Copenhagen Accord put forth in 2009. Since then, the Summer School has covered a wide range of topics from an interdisciplinary perspective and has closely followed the international negotiations on climate change. Two years ago, the Summer School focused on the factors behind the paradigm shift in international policymaking, which eventually led to the Paris Agreement. Then, the US government’s decision to back out the agreement led to a “climate of uncertainty” that constituted the main topic discussed in last year’s edition.
July 5, 2019

Nota de Prensa: El reto de limitar el calentamiento global a 1,5ºC

Tras el informe especial del Panel Intergubernamental para el Cambio Climático de Naciones Unidas (IPCC) alertando de los efectos del calentamiento global y la necesidad urgente de limitar el aumento de la temperatura media del planeta a 1,5C, expertos de algunos de los principales centros europeos de investigación analizarán las claves científicas y políticas para alcanzar este objetivo en la 10ª edición de la Escuela de Verano sobre Cambio Climático que coorganizan BC3 y la Universidad del País Vasco

María de Maeztu Excellence Unit 2023-2027 Ref. CEX2021-001201-M, funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033

©2008 BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change.