February 16, 2016
Published by BC3Research Maria Jose Sanz at February 16, 2016
The speak entitled "What have we learned from the REDD+ process? A discussion on the critical issues to address climate change post-Paris" is hosted by the Forests and Landscapes Climate Finance Team
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February 23, 2016
Published by BC3Research Unai Pascual at February 23, 2016
The Science-Policy Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is holding its 4th session of the plenary in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 124 countries are being represented from the five United Nations regions. Ikerbasque Professor Unai Pascual is one of the 25 elected members of the multidisciplinary expert panel (MEP) of IPBES
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February 24, 2016
Published by BC3Research Ferdinando Villa Stefano Balbi Javier Martínez López Marta Pascual at February 24, 2016
The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) in collaboration with Conservation International and the University of Vermont, organizes the 2016 edition of the International Spring University on Ecosystem Services Modeling.
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April 14, 2016
Published by BC3Research Marta Olazabal Elisa Sainz de Murieta at April 14, 2016
The 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns, the flagship conference on local sustainable development in Europe, is taking place from 27-29 April 2016 in Bilbao, Basque Country.C3 will participate actively in this Conference and has organized a Round Table Dialogue entitled “Bridging science and policy to support cities to mitigate and adapt to climate change” where participants will be able to discuss their experiences and perceptions on current strengths and weaknesses of such partnerships and opportunities for the future based on the current and future needs of cities regarding climate planning.
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