February 26, 2018
Published by BC3Research at February 26, 2018
BC3 launches the 9th edition of the “Training Caravan – Ikertzaileak Gelan” initiative
March 22, 2018
Published by BC3Research at March 22, 2018
BC3 selects the 10 centre that are going to take part in “Training Caravan-Ikertzaileak Gelan”. This edition is going to count on 10 informative lectures during April and May of 2018 in the selected centres.
January 21, 2019
Published by BC3Research at January 21, 2019
The Ministry of Education of the Basque Government and BC3, jointly organize the “Training Caravan – Ikertzaileak Gelan” initiative that has been active since 2010. This initiative (10th edition this year) is organized under the BC3 Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Programme Framework.The aim the Training Caravan initiative, underpinned by the Science Education thematic area of BC3´s RRI Science Education, is to provide evidence(science)-based answers to some central questions about climate change, drawing on the best current scientific understanding and at the same time, making science education and careers attractive for young people.
February 6, 2019
Published by BC3Research Marta Olazabal at February 6, 2019
Marta Olazabal ha participado en la jornada organizada por Aular de la Tercera edad ayer, 4 de febrero de 2019 en Vitoria-Gasteiz. Olazabal dio la conferencia sobre "Cambio climático: retos y oportunidades en nuestras ciudades” cual a valorado de forma positiva.