15 ekaina, 2023

What’s sustainable grazing? The science of shepherding

BC3 researcher Elena Galán took part in the 19th of May at the Herder festival and herder-scientist gathering – an especial encounter between shepherds and scientists in Olaszfalu, Hungary that congregated more than 30 participants.
13 ekaina, 2023

The ISS Symposium 2022 report is out!

The International Glaciological Society (IGS) has released the final report of the Ice in a Sustainable Society (ISS) Symposium to celebrate the first anniversary of the event, organised by Ikerbasque professor at BC3 Sérgio Henrique Faria on 5-10 June 2022 in Bilbao, Spain.
8 ekaina, 2023

Adaptation strategies for climate change impacts on international tuna fisheries

BC3’s Climate Adaptation To Shifting Stocks (CLOCK) project, funded by an ERC Starting Grant, focuses on the profound transformations occurring in the world’s oceans due to climate change, specifically in international tuna fisheries. The project’s goal is to understand and address the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems and the livelihoods of those dependent on them.
7 ekaina, 2023

María Jose Sanz, BC3ko zuzendaria: “Ikerketa hobetzeko zientzia ebalutzeko politika berriak behar ditugu”

María José Sanz, SOMMa Aliantzako presidente eta BC3ko zuzendari zientifikoak, Ikerketaren Ebaluazioari buruzko San Frantziskoko Adierazpenaren (DORA) 10. urteurrenari buruzko jardunaldia inauguratu zuen joan den maiatzaren 17an, Bilbon.
6 ekaina, 2023

Monitoring the Energy Transition

The BC3 is looking for one candidate who can support its activities related to monitoring the progress of the energy transition in Spain and in evaluating climate policies. The selected candidate will contribute to different research projects carried out by the Low Carbon team.

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Klima aldaketari dagokion informazio zehatza dibulgatzeko eta zabaltzeko ikasia

Heziketa zientifikoa eta gizartean kontzientzia

Klima aldaketaren zientzia irakaskuntza eta gizartean kontzientzia sortzea Euskadin

BC3 iniziatibak Kanpo erakundeekin kolaborazioan