
6 uztaila, 2023

Ainhoa Magrach BC3ko ikertzailea, Consolidator ikerketa-aldian zientzialari lider gisa aitortua

El Departamento de Educación del Gobierno Vasco e Ikerbasque han otorgado el reconocimiento de investigadora Consolidator por unanimidad a la investigadora Ikerbasque en BC3 Ainhoa Magrach, por ser líder en su ámbito de investigación, junto a las investigadoras de la UPV-EHU Alicia Alonso y Sara Barja en las categorías Advanced y Starting, respectivamente.
30 ekaina, 2023

#BC315: Celebrating 15 years of transdisciplinary research for sustainable development

Since 2008, BC3 has provided decision makers worldwide with scientific knowledge, tools and methodologies on the causes and effects of climate change by integrating its environmental, socioeconomic, and ethical dimensions.
29 ekaina, 2023

Congratulations to new BC3 PhD graduate Manuel Encinas

Dr Manuel Encinas graduated with a thesis entitled “Holm oak decline in human-shaped savannahs: Physiological and ecological basis” today at the Faculty of Science and Technology (UPV/EHU). Dr Encinas has participated in the H2020 project Holisoil, as well as the IBERYCA project funded by AEI.
28 ekaina, 2023

A time of change for BC3 – starting with its visual identity!

We are happy to announce the launch of our new visual identity, complete with a new logo, colour schemes, and typography as part of our continuing brand advancement. BC3 has grown and evolved throughout the past 15 years, and we realized it was time for a rebranding. We modified our logo to illustrate our identity today and to portray our future. We examined our organizational values and developed a brand identity that conveyed them.
26 ekaina, 2023

BC3 releases a storybook uncovering the links between Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystems

BC3 is excited to introduce the storybook “Let’s unravel this Knot! Water-Energy-Food guide for kids” authored by Anna Sperotto, with the support of BC3 under the MSCA project UNraveling the knoT of the Water-energy-food nexus usIng ecosySTems services (UNTWIST).
15 ekaina, 2023

What’s sustainable grazing? The science of shepherding

BC3 researcher Elena Galán took part in the 19th of May at the Herder festival and herder-scientist gathering – an especial encounter between shepherds and scientists in Olaszfalu, Hungary that congregated more than 30 participants.
13 ekaina, 2023

The ISS Symposium 2022 report is out!

The International Glaciological Society (IGS) has released the final report of the Ice in a Sustainable Society (ISS) Symposium to celebrate the first anniversary of the event, organised by Ikerbasque professor at BC3 Sérgio Henrique Faria on 5-10 June 2022 in Bilbao, Spain.
8 ekaina, 2023

Adaptation strategies for climate change impacts on international tuna fisheries

BC3’s Climate Adaptation To Shifting Stocks (CLOCK) project, funded by an ERC Starting Grant, focuses on the profound transformations occurring in the world’s oceans due to climate change, specifically in international tuna fisheries. The project’s goal is to understand and address the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems and the livelihoods of those dependent on them.
7 ekaina, 2023

María Jose Sanz, BC3ko zuzendaria: “Ikerketa hobetzeko zientzia ebalutzeko politika berriak behar ditugu”

María José Sanz, SOMMa Aliantzako presidente eta BC3ko zuzendari zientifikoak, Ikerketaren Ebaluazioari buruzko San Frantziskoko Adierazpenaren (DORA) 10. urteurrenari buruzko jardunaldia inauguratu zuen joan den maiatzaren 17an, Bilbon.
5 ekaina, 2023

Mar Menoreko arazoa tokiko aktoreekin batera ikertzen

2022ko maiatzetik 2023ko otsailera bitartean, Mar Menoraren eta Cartagenako Zelaiaren inguruko Ezagutzaren Eraikuntza Kolektiboa ikerketa-prozesua gauzatu zen, lurraldeko tokiko 8 aktorerekin, Paula Zuluaga Guerra eta Violeta Cabello Villarejok eskainia. Bi dokumentu partekatzen ditugu, Mar Menoreko krisiari buruzko gure hausnarketa kolektiboaren ikaskuntza nagusiak jasotzen dituztenak, bai eta gure partaideekin ere, testuinguru horretan gizartearen parte-hartzea sustatzeko prozesuaren ikertzaile eta baterako bideratzaile gisa.